A win for Florida’s faith-based pro-life community. Jane’s Revenge vandals will pay for their crimes. |
Jane’s Revenge Vandals Will Be Held Accountable
Good news for our clients at Heartbeat of Miami, a ministry that provides life-affirming support to women and couples facing unplanned pregnancies. Vandals who defaced and spray-painted threatening messages on Heartbeat’s property last year will pay for their crimes.
Justice Will Be Served »
Final Days to Multiply Your Impact
June 30 marks the end of another year of ministry. Right now, you have an incredible opportunity to secure religious liberty for you, your children and your grandchildren. But if we end behind budget, we’ll have to cut back on the work we’re doing to protect religious freedom across America.
Give Today. Help Us End This Year Strong. »
Another Ridiculous Smear Campaign
Against Justice Clarence Thomas
When rulings don’t go its way, the far Left unleashes a wave of criticism, attacks and attempts to delegitimize the Supreme Court. A radical group is inflating the numbers as it tries to make Justice Clarence Thomas appear the villain.
Exposing the Lies »
Thanks to You, WallBuilders is Now Running Ads
in Our Nation’s Capital
A federal district court ordered Washington D.C. transit officials to run two religious-themed advertisements that had been unconstitutionally rejected. Now, you can see the ads across metro stations—but we’re not done winning yet.
A Win for Free Speech »
Photos: Celebrating Together on First Freedom Day
First Freedom Day was a huge success! It was a special day of celebration and giving. What a great reminder than when we work as one team, in one fight, with one purpose and through God’s grace, we can accomplish great things!
Looking Back on the Celebration »
Rise of Religious ‘Nones’ Hits a Plateau
Something special is happening in America right now. New data suggests that the sharp decline of religion could be coming to an end. For added hope, Gen Z and Millennials are much more supportive of religious expression than we might think.
On the Cusp of Revival »
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