Trans Pride Seattle with Seattle DSA
This Friday, June 28
5pm - 10pm
Volunteer Park Amphitheater

The Republican Party and the Right is waging an all-out assault on trans and abortion rights across the country. 2024 has seen a record number of anti-Trans bills with 619 bills brought forward in 43 states. They are passing legislation that limits the ability of transgender people to access gender- affirming healthcare at the same time that they are banning abortion. This is a wholesale, frontal assault on Trans people and bodily autonomy. Unfortunately, in the main, the feckless Democratic Party has not mounted a serious resistance to this onslaught. 

This year, DSA National launched a national campaign for Trans Rights and Bodily Autonomy to address the need for mass struggle to meet these draconian attacks. While we celebrate Trans Pride this Friday, we should also raise our sights on a horizon of mass struggle  to win bodily autonomy, abortion rights, and trans liberation. We need to build an independent multi-racial, multi-gendered mass movement to beat back the attacks from the Right and to demand:

  • Free gender-affirming healthcare
  • Pass the Women's Health Protection Act to legalize abortion nationwide
  • End the Senate filibuster
  • Expand the Supreme Court with pro- choice judges
  • Medicare for All, including:
    • Free, legal, safe abortions
    • Free contraception, birth control, & reproductive services & gender firming healthcare
  • Free universal childcare & paid family leave
  • Living wages & affordable housing 

Stop by Seattle DSA's table! Our table should be clearly marked SDSA with Pride decor.  


Shaun Scott Canvass & Pridefest

Saturday, June 29

11am - 2pm

Broadway Hill Park (500 Federal Ave E)



It’s time to bring socialism to Olympia! Canvas with us to support SDSA-endorsed candidate Shaun Scott as he runs to represent the 43rd legislative district in the WA state assembly.

Shaun now has an opponent, Andrea Suarez, the founder of We Heart Seattle, a non-profit that has frequently been accused of its anti-homelessness practices. Suarez has raised over $50,000, with many of her donations coming from business owners and landlords. We need DSA member energy to win this campaign!

We’ll meet spread out in teams around Capitol Hill and meet back for a social. No experience required, training will be provided on site and you will be paired with experienced volunteers!


11am: Meet and greet with the candidate at Broadway Hill Park, located at 500 Federal Ave E, Seattle, WA 98102. Get training and supplies and group into teams.

11:30am: Head out to our respective locations for signature gathering!

2pm: We’ll meet back up at our starting location, then head out for a social to debrief over some food and drinks.


Shaun Scott Canvass

Sunday, June 30
11 - 2pm
Volunteer Park



11am: Meet & greet with the candidate at Volunteer Park in Capitol Hill
11:30am: Head out to our turfs to canvass
2pm: We’ll meet back up at our starting location to collect materials and debrief


SDSA Social! Location CHANGE

This Sunday, June 30, 4 - 7pm
Elysian Brewing
1221 E Pike St



Working to create socialism is sometimes ... well, a lot of work! If it's all rallies and meetings and spreadsheets, it can turn into a drag real quick. We think it's important to have some time to just simply get to know each other, connect over food and drinks, and have fun together -- that's what this social is for! No big speeches, no business, just time to connect with other leftists.