We’ve put together a union contract protection checklist to help you decide ahead of this critical election for working people.


As union members in Arizona, we've worked tirelessly to secure the rights and benefits outlined in our contracts. We've stood together on picket lines, negotiated at bargaining tables, and held firm for our families, our coworkers, and the future of our community.
Tonight at 9 p.m. ET, we’ll be closely following the #CNNDebate to understand President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump's policies and values, especially those that impact working people in Arizona. Here’s how you can take part:
A year ago, the AFL-CIO General Board endorsed President Biden for re-election, because of his record of accomplishments for working people, including 15 million new jobs, historic infrastructure investments in rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, Saving pensions, and bringing manufacturing jobs back home. Our unions are on the line in this election—and so are union members’ hard-won contracts.
But tonight, we want you to hear from the candidates and make your own informed decision.
Thanks for tuning in this evening ahead of this critical election for Arizona's working people!

In Solidarity,