Dear Friend,
I appreciate your reading this weekly update and continue to encourage you to forward to your family and friends. As always if you need anything from my office, you can reach me via my Contact page or by calling 202-225-5031.
Proud of My Pro-Life Record
As we celebrate the 2-year anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, I continue to be proud of my pro-life record. I have always stood for life and will continue to do so.
As a father and a Christian, I will continue to protect Mississippi values by supporting legislation that promotes the safety of the unborn. I am proud to have been recognized by numerous pro-life and pro-family organizations for my efforts in Congress. I have received a grade of 100 from the National Right to Life Committee, an A+ rating from the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, and an A+ from Students for Life Action for my strong pro-life voting record. And Planned Parenthood continues to give me a score of “Zero” – the rating they give the most pro-life members of Congress.

Mississippi is Leading the Pro-Life Movement
This issue has been and will continue to be a top priority for my work in the United States House of Representatives. I believe that fighting for those who cannot stand up for themselves is one of the primary responsibilities for Members of Congress. As a father and a Christian, I will continue to protect Mississippi values by supporting legislation that promotes the safety of the unborn. I am proud to represent Mississippi, the state leading the pro-life movement, and it is my hope that women and families outside of Mississippi will gain these pro-life, pro-woman, and pro-family policies. Read More Here.
Congratulations to McLaurin High School
I want to congratulate McLaurin High School for placing third in the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Foundation’s Capitol Hill Challenge this year. These students competed in a hypothetical investment challenge against students in all 50 states. This is a major accomplishment, and I am proud of these students.
Supporting Mississippi Military Families
Recently, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act. Republicans are focused on increasing soldiers’ pay, defending Israel, deterring China, military readiness, and securing our border.
FEMA Assistance
Mississippi residents impacted by the April 8-11 storms in Hancock, Hinds, Humphreys, Madison, Neshoba, and Scott counties can now apply for FEMA Individual Assistance either online, by phone, or on the FEMA app. Make sure to have important information available to start the process. See the graphics below for more information.

Welcoming Our Summer Interns
Recently, we welcomed our summer interns. We are excited to have young Mississippians come work for the Third Congressional District of Mississippi and learn about government and civics. Over the next few weeks, we will highlight our interns who are serving both in my district office and in my Washington, D.C., office. This week I am excited to highlight Zach Blanton. Zach is a junior accounting student from Florence, Mississippi, and currently attends Mississippi State University. Zach is an MSU Roadrunner and IFC Recruitment counselor. After college, Zach plans to pursue a career in the banking industry. We are excited he served on our team this summer.
Poll Results from Last Week
Last week, I asked for your input on funding our military and if it was important to you that we keep our military fully funded during this critical time in world history. The results are in—96% of Mississippians believe that it is important we fully fund our military. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and X to stay up-to-date on my work serving you.
Weekly Poll
I ask. You answer.
