![]() Patriot, Tonight’s debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will informally kick off what some in politics call “the silly season” – that time when politicians hurl absurd accusations at each other, and voters don’t know what to think. Silly doesn’t begin to describe it. Today, the entire mass media establishment is in on it, and the Deep State on top of that. Remember what happened four years ago. . . Hunter Biden’s laptop, full of incriminating as well as embarrassing information, was discovered abandoned in a Delaware repair shop. No less than fifty career “intelligence” operatives falsely claimed the story was a “Russian hoax,” and the entire Big Tech establishment censored the story. These operatives, the media, and the Biden administration insisted it was a hoax until the government itself introduced the laptop in court as evidence in their case against Hunter Biden. Four years ago, we were also told domestic terrorists had plotted to kidnap the governor of a swing state – Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer – only to find out after the election was over the entire plot was hatched by the FBI. So we can only imagine what lies the American people will be told over the next four months. And we and we can only imagine what harm the politicians will try to inflict on us. In a time when most political groups become partisan hacks, Campaign for Liberty will always put our liberty values first . . . and hold politicians in both parties accountable. Thanks to your support, Campaign for Liberty has won some critical battles so far this year . . . . . . From passing the Central Bank Digital Currency ban in the House to preventing any possibility of the WHO global pandemic treaty being ratified in the U.S. Senate this year. But we’ve also had some bitter losses, including the renewal and expansion of warrantless mass surveillance of law-abiding Americans. Fortunately, the renewal is short-term, and that gives us time to organize even more patriots to defeat illegal mass surveillance of Americans. Taking on these battles hasn’t been cheap. But I don’t regret for one second leading the charge. And I hope you don’t either. Now, as we near the end of the quarter, we need to replenish our accounts and prepare for the next onslaught of bad bills: . . . outrageous spending bills that send billions and billions of dollars around the world while our debt spins out of control and Americans suffer . . . attacks on our Second Amendment rights . . . making the draft automatic for both men and women . . . the Disclose Act . . . and even another round of mandates for the supposed Bird Flu outbreak that is coming! And we need to push the good bills too, including the CBDC ban, Audit the Fed, and the repeal of Indefinite Detention of American citizens without due process of law. So Patriot, can I count on you to make an end-of-quarter contribution of $100, $200, $500, or more to help Campaign for Liberty plan right now for the mobilization we know we will need? There are CRITICAL legislative battles still happening, including FORCING the CBDC ban through the Senate, STOPPING the expansion of the military draft, and RESTORING your right to due process of law, to name just a few. Your generous support will help Campaign for Liberty prepare for the coming battles and mobilize many more Americans to hold Congress accountable by: 1) Deploying targeted online Internet ads to turn up the heat on the members of Congress who have supported the tyrannical
Biden agenda; 2) Using mail and email to contact up to 10 million Americans from coast-to-coast to FLOOD Congress with petitions and letters on still-pending issues; 3) Using modern and old-school communication methods to inform patriots about the mass media deceptions we know they plan to pull – and why it’s absolutely critical to fight back while we still can. These are battles you and I can’t afford to lose. So please make your most generous end-of-quarter contribution of $100, $200, $500, or more right away to help Campaign for Liberty prepare to hold politicians’ feet to the fire in this election season in the lead up to a potentially dangerous lame duck session after the elections. We know what’s coming if we don’t prove to them we are watching and we will hold them accountable: Complete destruction of the U.S. dollar We know the Republicans will always cave to the radical left’s demands to fund the woke agenda if they aren’t held accountable. Look for colossal spending bills for student loan “forgiveness,” piles of money for the CDC, WHO, Ukraine, and many, many pet projects that really don’t deserve a single cent of taxpayer money. World War 3 Despite the massive depletion of American military resources in a losing war against Russia in Ukraine, the neocons in both parties want to fight Russia “to the last Ukrainian” and then start a war with China. The escalations will continue – unless the American people send a resounding message and punish the neocons at the polls this November. A complete authoritarian police state regime The Biden regime is hoping to make this election about “the future of democracy” – by legitimizing the radical assaults on democracy of the past four years, including the weaponization of the legal system and stripping Americans of their rights without due process. The “Red Flag” law Congress passed was a central part of this scheme. Patriot, if you and I don’t push back against this radical agenda, who will?! That’s why I am asking you to dig deep today with your most generous contribution of $100, $200, or $500 – today, so we can budget for the rest of what will be a very busy second half of 2024. And even if you can afford just $10, $20, or $50 now, your gift along with other Campaign for Liberty supporters will help us meet our goal. But we cannot do it without your support. Please make your most generous contribution today. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty P.S. As the election season heats up, Congress is sure to make some bad decisions in order to cozy up to the voters. You and I need to be prepared to bring the heat ourselves and fight back at their attempts to destroy what liberties we have left. Your contribution today, of $100, $200, $500, or whatever you can afford will help us plan and budget for the final fight of the legislative cycle, in which everything is on the line. Your gift of $10, $25, or $50 is important as well. Please consider making a donation today as we head into a very busy third quarter of 2024. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |