This week at CBPP, we focused on COVID-19, the economy, health, the federal budget, and federal taxes.
* On COVID-19, Elizabeth McNichol, Michael Leachman, and Joshuah Marshall stressed that states need significantly more fiscal relief ([link removed]) to slow the emerging deep recession. Chad Stone and Sharon Parrott noted that labor market conditions should determine the duration and size of COVID-19 relief measures ([link removed]) . Stone also explained that fiscal stimulus is needed to fight recessions ([link removed]) . Judith Solomon, Jennifer Wagner, and Aviva Aron-Dine explained why the Medicaid protections in the Families First Act are critical to protecting health coverage ([link removed]) . Zoë
Neuberger described how states can help low-income children get enough to eat during the pandemic ([link removed]) . LaDonna Pavetti pointed out that with applications soaring, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program needs more funds and new rules ([link removed]) . We explained how most states are easing SNAP participation rules and providing added benefits ([link removed]) as a result of the COVID-19 health and economic crisis.
* On the economy, we updated our backgrounder on how many weeks of unemployment compensation are available ([link removed]) and our chart book tracking the post-Great Recession economy ([link removed]) .
* On health, we updated our backgrounder on Medicaid ([link removed]) .
* On the federal budget, we updated our backgrounder on non-defense discretionary programs ([link removed]) .
* On federal taxes, we updated our backgrounder on federal payroll taxes. ([link removed])
Chart of the Week — COVID-19 State Budget Shortfalls Could Be Largest on Record ([link removed])
A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts this past week. Here are some of the highlights:
Treasury department’s workload surges amid critical staffing shortage ([link removed])
ABC News
April 17, 2020
Coronavirus threatens $500bn hole in US state budgets ([link removed])
Financial Times
April 17, 2020
Michigan set to lose billions in tax revenue as coronavirus hits state budgets nationwide ([link removed])
April 17, 2020
States and cities are “falling off a cliff” as the economic crisis sets in ([link removed])
April 16, 2020
A Gloomy Prediction on How Much Poverty Could Rise ([link removed])
New York Times
April 16, 2020
Health Coverage for Unemployed Harder to Come By in Some States ([link removed])
April 14, 2020
How Panic Buying Has Put an Incredible Strain on Food Banks Even as the Need for Them Explodes ([link removed])
April 13, 2020
Don’t miss any of our posts, papers, or charts — follow us on Twitter ([link removed]) , Facebook ([link removed]) , and Instagram ([link removed]) .
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