We need to keep up the pressure on Congress to save the USPS.

Friend, if the U.S. Postal Service runs out of money during the COVID-19 crisis -- millions of Americans will lose access to vital medications, communications with their family members, mail-in ballots, and more.

That’s why earlier this week, we asked Common Cause members to call on Congress to fully fund the USPS in its next stimulus package. And already, tens of thousands of members like you have spoken out.

But Trump and his administration haven’t backed down -- and remain determined to wipe out the USPS altogether.

We need to keep up the pressure, Friend! Will you join our coalition of postal workers, local advocates, and everyday Americans nationwide -- and urge Congress to save the USPS?


The Postal Service is being hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Experts say that without support from the government, the agency could soon run out of money and be forced to cut its crucial services -- despite an expected high demand for mail-in ballots this fall.

But Trump remains dead set against saving the USPS. When Congress tried to add a $13 billion direct grant for the Postal Service to its recent stimulus package, a Trump administration official stated: “We told them very clearly that the president was not going to sign the bill if [money for the Postal Service] was in it.” [1]

Losing the USPS -- especially in the midst of this public health crisis -- would be devastating to our democracy. Many plan to return their 2020 Census forms by mail this year, to make sure we get an accurate count of everyone living in the U.S. -- and millions will rely on vote-by-mail programs to safely make themselves heard in the 2020 elections.

We need the Postal Service now more than ever. Add your name to tell Congress: include funding to preserve the USPS in the next COVID-19 stimulus package >>

Trump has a list of reasons to want to bankrupt the USPS: his party's unpopular mission to privatize the agency, his baseless crusade against vote-by-mail, and more. [2]

But if you and I speak out, I know we can stop him. Our democracy depends on it.

Thanks for all you do,

Devon Nir, Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause

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1) https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/492377-trump-threatened-to-veto-stimulus-package-if-it-contained-bailout
2) https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/04/11/post-office-bailout-trump/

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