From Team Courtney <>
Subject Important Deadline ahead
Date June 27, 2024 2:59 PM
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Hi John,

Did you have a chance to read Joe Courtney's email yesterday about the critical June 30th FEC deadline our campaign is facing?

He highlighted the importance of this quarterly fundraising deadline and our goal of raising $3,218 to demonstrate our grassroots strength.

Can we count on your support before the June 30th deadline? [[link removed]]

— Forwarded Message —

Hi John,

We are rapidly approaching the second Federal Election Commission's (FEC) fundraising deadline on June 30th!

You might notice an increase in communications from our team during this period, and that's because at the end of each quarter, we are required to report our fundraising numbers to the FEC.

These numbers are made public and serve as a signal of our financial strength and grassroots support to our allies, opponents, and the wider political landscape. Given the history the 2nd district has of being targeted by the national republican party, this end of quarter deadline will be scrutinized very closely.

John, our goal is to raise $23,218 before the June 30th deadline. Every contribution helps us maintain our momentum and demonstrate our viability as a campaign. Can I count on you to stand with me and make a donation of $ before the June 30th deadline? [[link removed]]

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Falling short of our goal will be interpreted as a lack of support and resources, potentially emboldening our MAGA opponent and their well connected allies. This is a battle for the principles we hold dear, and we cannot afford to send the wrong signal.

Your contribution will help ensure that we have the resources necessary to compete and make our voices heard.

Thank you for your consideration and commitment to our shared vision,

Joe Courtney
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