For a new government – the how will be just as important as the what 

What a time for politics. In a major election year globally, how can new governments demonstrate a genuine commitment to lasting change?  

In an opinion piece for edie, Dr Sally Uren, Forum for the Future’s Chief Executive, explores the need for a proper diagnosis of the world's challenges, joined-up action from groups outside of the usual suspects, innovation and routes for new innovations to scale, and fundamental shifts in policies, taxes and subsidies.  

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Businesses delivering for people and planet  

As climate change intensifies, the most severe harm is falling disproportionately on frontline communities. Against this backdrop, climate justice interventions are emerging - offering real potential to strengthen current and new initiatives so that they are more effective, efficient and inclusive. But where should businesses focus?

The Business Guide to Advancing Climate Justice, co-published by Forum and B Lab U.S. and Canada, is designed for businesses that are working to address the climate crisis by using equity-centered solutions. 

Forum’s Senior Principal Change Designer, Ksenia Benifand, considers the need to prioritise trust-building with frontline communities, adopt a new ‘just and regenerative’ mindset, offer immediate and sustained support to meet people’s needs, and leverage your spheres of control and influence.    

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Download the guide

India’s responsible energy future: insights from key voices 

India, like many emerging economies, is undergoing a significant energy transition. This involves achieving universal access to modern, reliable, and affordable energy services while moving to a low-carbon energy mix.  

What does this transition look like?  

The Responsible Energy Initiative (REI) India has gathered experts to discuss the critical questions surrounding this transition. Hear from top industry executives about the innovations driving the renewable energy sector, policymakers' perspectives, and the crucial contributions of grassroots organisations advocating for renewable energy practices.

Watch the interview series
Learn more about REI India

A take on the most pressing questions facing the energy transition  

As the global energy transition gathers pace, we recently put the spotlight on the key questions emerging. From the critical shifts necessary for an equitable and sustainable transition to the challenges and opportunities around critical minerals, and just how financiers can broaden the impact of their funding beyond decarbonisation to truly empower the renewable energy sector. We also considered the potential of community-centred approaches and how listening, understanding and responding to the needs of stakeholders are key to a just energy transition.

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A new partnership working towards the ‘BTC 2.0’ 
Forum has announced a new partnership with Bentley Environmental Foundation to take the Business Transformation Compass’ (BTC) toolkit to the next level. Launched in 2021, the BTC has been instrumental in guiding businesses towards embracing just and regenerative approaches in their sustainability efforts.

With support from Bentley, we are set to introduce BTC 2.0, which will feature real-world case studies from trailblazing companies that have successfully implemented transformative sustainability strategies. The updated guidance will offer practical insights and actionable steps for business leaders striving to make lasting change. 

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If you’re interested in exploring a one-to-one partnership with Forum as your sustainability journey gathers pace, please get in touch to explore how we could support you

In early July, we're putting the spotlight on latest developments and innovations in visionary business leadership and in supply chain transformation. Watch this space.

The Futures Centre

Presenting “Toolkit for Tomorrow: Anticipating Civil Society Futures”  
Designed specifically for civil society professionals, this toolkit designed in partnership with International Civil Society Centre equips you to navigate an unpredictable world by providing tools, strategies, and resources for anticipating future challenges and opportunities. Whether you're in advocacy, community organising, or policy development, this guide is adaptable to your needs and context. Explore the toolkit.
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The School of System Change

Seedling Series: Leading with consciousness with Marion Birnstill
Learn to harness your inner wisdom in systems change work in this 2-hour workshop with Marion Birnstill, Founder of Inner Ripple, on 27 August. Explore the core inner qualities needed to break old patterns and co-create the just and regenerative future we all want. Enrol by 22 August.
Changemaker writing retreat: Embracing emergence in facilitation

CEO of the School of System Change, Anna Birney, and School collaborative partner Louise Armstrong, share their reflections on embracing emergence in the facilitation process of a writing retreat for changemakers in October 2023 in Devon, UK. Learn more about the next writing retreat in November 2024.

Follow the School on LinkedIn for more stories and subscribe to their newsletter for the latest on systems change courses, resources, opportunities, and events.


The Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment
Watch the livestream of our panel on Shaping the Future of Responsible Recruitment at the Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment, and learn how we work to systemically eradicate unethical recruitment. Watch the webinar.

Global stories, local impact: Your part in the global solutions diary 
9 July | Online webinar 

Join a webinar on the power of climate storytelling open only to partners of Project Drawdown. Learn about the Global Solutions Diary initiative and discover how sharing your personal climate story can drive meaningful change and inspire others. RSVP

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