
April 18, 2020

To the Good People of New York’s 9th Congressional District:

Thank you to all the heroes braving their lives to bring us health care, food, transportation, mail and packages and more. I am appreciative of the sacrifices you’ve made to adhere to social distancing to keep our community safe.

As of this week the number of positive cases in NYC is 107,263. We have lost 6,589 New Yorkers. Below is the borough breakdown of positive cases. More data is available if you click in this link.

  • Total Hospitalized: 29,511
  • Queens: 33,616
  • Brooklyn: 28,183
  • Bronx:  23,426
  • Manhattan: 13,740
  • SI: 8,236

This week my offices remain teleworking. If you need my team’s help, you can contact us Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (718) 287-1142. Let’s each do our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for taking social distancing seriously and for your sacrifices that keep our community we love safe. 

Want to help our community access resources for hospitals, schools and small businesses ? Respond to the #Census2020 at or look out for paper forms in the mail. Census data is protected by law and CANNOT be shared with law enforcement.

In good health, 
Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09)

Legislative Updates:

  • I led a letter to House leadership urging them to include funding for public housing as a part of any stimulus package focused on infrastructure investments. During this pandemic, when so many Americans are in need of both shelter and good-paying jobs, it is critical that public housing construction and renovation projects receive the support they deserve in any forthcoming stimulus package.
  • I led a letter to urge the Administration to rescind the memo regarding sanctioning countries that accept deportees, including individuals potentially exposed to COVID-19. It also asks the Administration to notify Congress if such sanctions are utilized (or if there are threats to do so). At a time when there are documented cases of coronavirus among DHS personnel, placing potentially exposed individuals in cramped detention facilities and then onto airplane flights would be a disaster.
  • Small businesses are the heart of our district’s local economy. I joined Congresswoman Velazquez in writing to Steve Mnuchin and the U.S. Small Business Administration to address problems with the small business aid in the CARES Act and to make sure entrepreneurs and small business owners receive the aid they need in these uncertain times.
  • I co-signed Congresswoman Frederica Wilson’s letter to House leadership to request that any coronavirus response package bans the deportation of Haitian immigrants during this pandemic.

IRS Updates:

NYC & NYS Updates:

  • NYC is assisting New Yorkers by delivering meals to those who cannot access food themselves:. Visit here: or call 311.
  • The NYC COVID-19 Engagement Portal is a confidential new way to self-report coronavirus information to help stop the spread and get the facts. Sign up at
  • In order to get additional people out of jail during the COVID crisis and in response to the state bail law which outlines the use of electronic monitoring as one of the non-monetary release conditions that may be used to ensure return to Court, NYC is beginning an electronic monitoring program Monday for the pre-trial population.
    • Launching on Monday 4/20, will be monitored by the Sheriff, and working to expand to 150 defendants by summer.
  • Per bail statute, electronic monitors can only be used for felony charges, or a misdemeanor charge and a conviction within the past 5 years on a felony - the intention is to target people who otherwise would be in jail and allow them to remain in the community.  
  • During the COVID crisis, the mandate for electronic monitoring will be home detention, with time allowed for exercise and purchase of supplies and allowance for approved activities such as access to health care or employment. 
    • People's locations will be tracked only when there is notice that they have violated the conditions of the monitor, and data will ultimately be anonymized with data privacy protections put in place.  
  • The monitors will be available at both arraignment and for people currently at Rikers, and the DA's and defenders will be part of the process for determination of use.
    • Additionally, we are working on an electronic monitoring program for city-sentenced individuals, to allow a subsection of people who otherwise would be in jail to be released safely to the community. This program would be overseen by Department of Probation and is also set to launch shortly, with more details to follow.
  • For all programs, re-entry, case management and other supportive services will be made available. 
  • The Mayor announced that NYC will continue to get vital medical supplies to our hospitals and health care workers by putting local manufacturing and biotech industries to work making products here in NYC that are in short supply. Here’s what we’re making:
    • Face Shields - Made by 8 firms in BK Navy Yard, BK Army Terminal and Manhattan
      • Currently making 240,000 per week
      • Growing to 465,000 per week by 4/24
      • Goal: produce 620,000/week
    • Surgical Gowns - 5 companies making these in  Brooklyn Navy Yard, Sunset Park, Garment Center and Long Island City
      • Currently making 30,000 per week
      • Growing to: 100,000 per week by Friday, April 24
      • Goal is to produce 250,000 per week 
  • Starting in May, NYC will produce up to 50,000 tests a week, right here in New York City. This will help us finally begin to expand testing to communities that need it most. EDC is building new supply chain and pulling pieces from all over city:
    • Academic & commercial labs –producing the liquid solution
    • Local manufacturers and 3-D printers making testing swabs and tubes
    • Starting production at beginning of May
    • If you know an academic or research lab, manufacturer, pharmaceutical, research university, or chemical company who can help -- please have them email [email protected]
  • Additional Testing: Aria Diagnostics, based in Carmel, Indiana is donating 50,000 kits and NYCEDC will be purchasing 50,000 kits per week starting April 20.
  • The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has issued guidance on applying for the $75 million it was allocated in the CARES Act. 
    • If a nonprofit cultural organization has received NEA support in the last four fiscal years, they are eligible to apply for a direct grant. Applyby April 22!
  • New York City Financial Empowerment Center counselors are available to support those experiencing financial challenges. Book an appointment at
  • The Department of Probation, Neighborhood Opportunity Network (NeON) Nutrition Kitchens, in partnership with the Food Bank of NYC and the NYC Young Men’s Initiative (YMI) have opened five kitchens -- one in each borough -- to distribute free food, available to any New Yorker who needs it:
  • New York Blood Center is seeking donations of plasma from those who have recovered from COVID-19. Visit for more information.
  • COVID-19 Resource Guide for Immigrants - NYC Mayor’s Office put out a resource guide specifically for immigrant communities during the COVID-19 pandemic:
  • For DACA Recipients: For help renewing your application call ActionNYC at 1-800-354-0365 
  • Job Opportunities at H+H: NYC Health and Hospitals needs workers to help transport patients, clerical staff and cleaning staff. 
  • NYC H+H has raised more than $8.2M since it began to accept donations last month. 
    • The fundraising campaign will direct funds to purchase comfort items like meals, groceries, taxi rides and hotel rooms to support the heroic health care workers on the front lines. Over 5,000 individuals and organizations have contributed through H+H’s Network for Good page.
  • Individuals/Organizations/Companies offering to DONATE PPE: Visit
  • Companies who have stock on hand and are offering to DONATE or SELL medical supplies and equipment (e.g. gowns, masks, ventilators, face shields): Those offers will be vetted and respondents will be contacted if there is interest.
  • Local manufacturers and industry sector companies looking to begin producing supplies:  
  • Food and other non-medical donations should go 
  • Mental Health Resources: This is a stressful time for New Yorkers.  Resources are available for New Yorkers by contacting 1-888-NYC-WELL or Texting “WELL” to 65173.  For more information visit:
  • For older New Yorkers who are feeling isolated, you can contact friendly volunteers to talk with over the phone. Call 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469).
  • For other mental health resources, including for veterans and caregivers, visit:
  • Health Insurance - If you a uninsured, the NY State of Health Department recently announced a Special Enrollment Period in response to Coronavirus through 4/15
    • Visit their website or call 1-855-355-5777 to check eligibility.
  • While family justice centers are physically closed, anyone can call any of our borough centers for help with safety planning, mental health and planning, legal help, or help in connecting to law enforcement agencies. 
  • NYC is moving a third of single homeless New Yorkers out of congregate settings by next Monday, April 20th, and moving 2,500 more vulnerable people into hotels
  • Communities of color have been disproportionately affected by the virus, we are moving quickly to address these disparities. 
    • The Mayor announced a four-part plan to address last week. Here are more details on some of those plans:
      • Launched an $8.5M ad campaign in Mid-March that included TV, radio, digital ads in 15 languages and subway ads in English, Spanish, and Chinese. That included $1.5M in ads placed in Community & Ethnic MediaPaid Media Campaign.
      • This week we’re launching a $10M campaign that targets 88 high-impact zip codes and will include TV, radio, digital in 15 languages. It will also include direct mail pieces to target homes and grassroots outreach.
      • Expanding Testing - The Mayor announced an expansion of testing across the City in communities of greater need: East New York in Brooklyn, Morrisania in the Bronx, Harlem in Manhattan, Jamaica in Queens, Clifton in Staten Island.
  • Calling for a Rent Freeze - Given the current economic crisis, the Mayor is calling on the Rent Guidelines Board to issue a rent freeze for rent-regulated tenants.
  • 311 hotline for NYC tenants - For those tenants struggling to pay rent during coronavirus, we are launching a five-borough hotline through 311 to help educate tenants about their rights and sources of rent relief.
  • The Mayor called on the State to allow tenants to use their security deposit to pay rent--a solution that gives renters access to capital to pay rent and owners the necessary funds to maintain buildings.
  • The Mayor urged the State to allow rent deferral and repayment plans for the next 12 months if they offer documentation they’ve lost their job. The Mayor is also pushing to extend the moratorium to 60 days after this crisis in order to ensure a grace period to prevent a wave of evictions once the crisis is over.
  • Alternate Side Parking Regulations will be suspended through Tuesday, April 28, 2020. Parking meters and all other parking rules remain in effect throughout the City. The City may extend the suspension based on street cleanliness and workforce availability.
  • DOHMH's website now includes a Public Health Milestones dashboard to show trends in the spread of COVID-19 related to hospital admissions, critical care capacity, and positive test rates. If an indicator reaches a certain predetermined level, or milestone, it will show that the spread of COVID-19 may be slowing. Once all of these indicators reach their milestones, the City will likely begin to lift restrictions gradually.
  • The Regional Enrichment Centers are now available for children of restaurant, food, takeout and delivery workers, and residential and commercial building staff.
  • New York State on PAUSE is extended through 4/29. Non-essential workforce is directed to continue to work from home until at least 4/29.
  • The application for the Federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is now open for businesses and nonprofits under 500 people. It’s first-come, first-served, so please let your constituents know. 
  • The Mayor’s Office is advising New Yorkers to wear face coverings when outside and near people to prevent spreading COVID to others. 
    • We are asking people to not use N95 or surgical masks, and save them for medical and other frontline people who need them. 
    • Instead, we encourage people to use a scarf or bandanna or a piece of clothing, or make their own -- and to continue to adhere to maintaining a social distance of 6 feet from other people. 
    • For more information you can visit:
  • More Data - We know you have asked for more data about COVID cases. DOHMH has added different breakdowns of the available data to their website in an effort to be as transparent as possible. Please note, the numbers are constantly changing, and there is sometimes a lag:

Census Updates:

  • The U.S. Census Bureau will ask Congress to delay its delivery of population data by 4 months to April 2021 because of the coronavirus pandemic. My district is one of the hardest-to-count districts in America and filling out the 2020 Census during a global pandemic would’ve made counting our community more difficult than ever before. I’m thankful for this progress because everyone counts.

New York City Transit Authority (NYCT) Updates:

  • The MTA has been implementing aggressive steps to protect our workforce since the pandemic began in New York. 
  • The MTA has distributed millions of pieces of PPE including 2.7 million pairs of gloves and nearly 750,000 masks. 
  • In the interests of safety, NYCT began distributing masks to frontline personnel prior to the CDC reversing its earlier guidance against wearing masks. 
  • NYCT has also implemented rear-door boarding on buses and eliminated cash-transactions to prevent person to person contact. 
  • MTA also launched a nation-leading “temperature brigade” to test tens of thousands of NYCT employees. 
  • This week, MTA began installing plexiglass barriers at work locations across all 28 bus depots to further protect our frontline workers. 
  • Next week, they will require that all customers using subways and buses wear masks to further help curtail the spread of coronavirus. 

USPS Updates:

  • To assist customers amid the Coronavirus pandemic, effective immediately the Postal Service is temporarily extending the timeframes when a mailpiece will be returned to sender.
  • The Postal Service temporarily will extend the current timeframes of returning the following (5 days for Priority Mail Express, 10 days for COD) and under postal policy of 10 days generally for all other mail, to 30 days for all mail pieces, unless a customer has requested a return timeframe at the time of mailing. Perishable items will continue to be handled as indicated under current postal policy.
  • All customer notifications for items with an attempted delivery date of March 28, 2020, or later will be updated to reflect the extended 30-day timeframe. The Postal Service is also working on implementing additional notices to remind customers about missed delivery items and the extended 30-day timeframe.
  •  When an item cannot be delivered on the first attempt, customers have several options for redelivery or pickup:
  1. Schedule a redelivery online at;
  2. Complete the PS Form 3849, We Redeliver For You!, and place the form in their  mailbox;
  3. Go to their local Post Office to pick up their items;
  4. Manage redeliveries at;
  5. Send a representative to pick up mail at the local Post Office. The addressee must sign the PS Form 3849 and indicate the name of the representative; or
  6. Call 800-ASK-USPS (800-275-8777) to schedule a redelivery. 
  • Extending the time frame to 30 days for all mail classes will help customers navigate the challenges associated with Coronavirus. Additionally, USPS has also modified the procedures for carriers obtaining signatures upon delivery .

Social Security Administration Updates:

  • The Social Security Administration announced this that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients will receive automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department. 
    • The Treasury anticipates these automatic payments no later than early May.
  • SSI recipients with no qualifying children do not need to take any action in order to receive their $1,200 economic impact payment. The payments will be automatic.
  • Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries (who don’t normally file taxes) will also qualify for automatic payments of $1,200 from the Treasury. These payments are anticipated to start arriving around the end of April.