Is there ANYTHING we can say to convince you to make a donation to Adam Frisch’s campaign before midnight tonight?


Is there ANYTHING we can say to convince you to make a donation to Adam Frisch’s campaign before midnight tonight?

What if we told you that in 2022 – after a recount – Adam lost in 2022 by just 546 votes?

What if we told you that it was the closest race in the entire country?

What if we told you that after Adam announced he was running again and scared off Lauren Boebert, every political pundit said that Adam absolutely can win this seat in November?

And what if we told you that this is a must-win House seat, but our fundraising has really slowed down?

We know that $5 might not seem like much against the corporate PACs and special interests. But when tens of thousands of grassroots donors like you all chip in, we have something far stronger than any Super PAC.

We’ve set a goal to raise another $25,000 before midnight tonight to win this critical House seat, and right now we’re still very short.

Please, will you contribute $5 or more right now to Adam Frisch’s campaign – whatever you can afford – to help him win this critical House seat and replace Lauren Boebert in Congress? Adam’s not taking a dime from corporate PACs, so no amount you can give is too small and every dollar counts.

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

Your donation now – no matter the amount – means a lot. Please know that.

Thank you so much for being a part of Adam’s grassroots-powered campaign,

Team Frisch