Dear Friend, I am thrilled to unveil a visual transformation to the People For the American Way brand to you, a valued supporter of People For. After more than four decades of impact, we are modernizing and retooling with a new look for a new era of social change. Equipped with a vibrant design style, sharper messaging, and a completely revamped website, we signal our readiness for this next chapter. Visit us at or any of our social media channels and you’ll find brighter colors, bolder typography, and energizing photos of the people who make up People For the American Way. We’ve retained our unabashed brand of ‘progressive patriotism’ in the flag that anchors our new logo because love of country is at the heart of our fight for a more just and inclusive America. These visual changes reflect how the organization has evolved. In recent years, as our country has been tested in unprecedented ways, we have quietly adapted to become more nimble, more diverse, and more focused than ever to confront the most urgent threats to our democracy. Our message: People For the American Way represents a new vision of a multi-generational, multi-racial movement that is determined to make America live up to its promise for everyone. The redesigned website will serve as a digital hub where supporters like you can find insights and analysis, as well as practical resources on how you can make change in your community. It also tells the story of the impact we’ve been able to make together, reminding us that progress is always possible when people come together, even in the face of daunting odds. As we go forward, we understand that democracy requires eternal vigilance, and we accept the torch that has been passed to us from previous generations. Our founder Norman Lear didn't fight fascism in World War II only to stand by and watch it take root here at home. When he asked me to lead People For, I was humbled and honored to take on the enormous responsibility he entrusted to me and to all of us in this moment of peril. Our charge is nothing less than to make People For a force that will inspire and mobilize more Americans to defeat a growing antidemocratic movement in this country. With your support, we can and will defend freedom, justice and democracy from those who threaten to take them away. Warmly, Svante Myrick