Plastic Free July Challenge 2023

Take the Plastic Free July Challenge!

Dear John,


In these challenging times, it’s easy to feel disheartened. That’s why the Plastic Free Team of 350 Brooklyn invites you to join us in an inspiring and fun-filled challenge to tackle one of our greatest environmental issues: plastic pollution! During the Plastic Free July Challenge, we will come together to break our plastic habit, while we fight to hold manufacturers responsible for the waste they create. Sign up to be part of this global 31 day challenge and we’ll send you tips and actions you can take each week to help you be plastic free. Join our Facebook group where you can share resources, recipes, tips and even your frustrations with going plastic free!


Dive in, take the Pledge, and start your journey to a plastic free life and a sustainable world!


350 BK’s Plastic Free Team


P.S. Every time you try a plastic free tip, take a pic and tag us @350Brooklyn on FB or IG and use #plasticfreejuly350BK.