Closing LGBTQIA+ homeownership gaps will require better housing and mortgage market data
The LGBTQIA+ population is young and rapidly growing, possessing more than $1.4 trillion in spending power. But LGBTQIA+ households are also more likely to be locked out of homeownership and its wealth-building potential. The homeownership rate among LGBTQIA+ people is 20 percentage points lower than the rate for straight and cisgender people.
What’s needed to promote equal access to homeownership for LGBTQIA+ people? Researchers say it starts with more and better data collection to inform targeted policy action.
Data represent real people. By considering equity in each stage of data work, changemakers can create better results for them.
Wizdom Powell, chief purpose officer of Headspace, and cohost Kimberlyn Leary discuss America’s mental health crisis, Black masculinity, and creating culturally relevant health care systems that value people’s lived experience as evidence. Listen and subscribe today.