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Bernard Anaba, a black man with short black hair wearing a blue shirt, stands against a green background. Overlaid are the words "New parliament – new debt justice law? Together, it's possible!"
friend – what are your predictions for this time next week?

Whatever the outcome of the election on 4 July, one thing we can be sure of is that a new parliament could also mean a new debt justice law. But to make that happen we need you on our side.

We’re facing the biggest global debt crisis in over 30 years! But it’s a crisis our next government could help end. Because 90% of the debts owed to big finance by lower-income countries are overseen by UK law.

A new debt justice law here in the UK could force greedy lenders to cancel unfair debts – freeing up funds to invest in public services instead. And if our campaign remains strong, it’s within our grasp.

friend, could you donate £10 today and make sure we can keep our demand for debt justice strong through the crucial post-election period?
Yes, I can give £10
Yes, I can give £15
Yes, I can give £25
Yes, I can give another amount

For people living in countries in debt crisis, the situation is critical. In Ghana, a country deep in debt crisis, food, water and energy prices have all skyrocketed. Ghanaian debt campaigner, Bernard Anaba told me: “Lives are being destroyed because of the debt crisis”.

But the owners of Ghana’s debts don’t care. Rather than cancel unfair debts, financial giants like BlackRock have been holding out for billions in profit. Billions that could instead go to healthcare, education, or tackling the climate crisis. As Bernard puts it:

Lenders put profit before people – and without legislation forcing them to come to the table, they're free to drag their feet and make unfair demands.”

“If a new law was passed to force greedy lenders into negotiations, then countries like mine could take a step towards justice and break free from this vicious exploitative debt cycle.”

Thanks to supporters like you on our side, we’ve already made huge progress towards making this new law a reality – and key politicians have told us they’re listening. Just this week we handed in our petition to party leaders backed by thousands of supporters like you. We’re now in a strong place to build on our successes after the election.

friend, could you give £10 today to make sure we can cut through the post-election noise to put debt cancellation high on the political agenda? And win justice for millions of people living in countries in debt crisis. I know that not everyone can afford to donate right now. But if you can, whatever you can give will add strength to our campaign.

Yes, I can give £10
Yes, I can give £15
Yes, I can give £25
Yes, I can give another amount

We know that people power works, friend. Campaigners like you helped force Zambia’s lenders to the negotiating table – and win a new deal for Zambia that reduces its debt payments by 45%!

But Zambia was trapped in negotiations for nearly four years. Ghana has already been negotiating for 18 months. With 54 countries in debt crisis right now, there’s no more time to lose – we can’t allow greedy lenders to hold up negotiations.

It’s time for a debt justice law. With our next parliament, we can make it happen!

Thank you for your support,

Heidi Chow

Executive Director – Debt Justice (formerly Jubilee Debt Campaign)

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