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Dear John,

This is alarming: The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) — the federal agency under the Trump administration that is solely responsible for regulating licensed firearms dealers — issued guidance allowing licensed gun dealers to sell guns in parking lots and operate “drive-up” windows for gun transactions.

We shouldn’t have to say this — but guns should not be sold like fast food! 

In response to the ATF, we took immediate action and sent a letter demanding they withdraw this dangerous guidance. Federally licensed gun dealers are the first line of defense for stopping prohibited purchasers, gun traffickers, and straw purchasers. They can play a vital role in educating new gun owners about safe storage and gun safety. 

But this harmful guidance to sell guns prioritizes expediency over safety. Amid surging gun sales and an influx of first-time gun owners, the ATF should prioritize the safety of customers and communities alike — not the quick, curbside pick-up of guns. Please join us in taking action by contacting the ATF now. 

Send a message to the ATF:
Guns should not be sold like fast food. Please rescind this dangerous guidance now!



Support Brady This #GivingTuesday by Creating a Facebook Fundraiser!

As an emergency response to COVID-19, another #GivingTuesday — a global day of giving and unity —  is planned for Tuesday, May 5, 2020. We’re asking you to support Brady by making a Facebook fundraiser in our honor.


Setting up a Facebook fundraiser takes just a few clicks, and Brady gets 100% of the donations! Simply choose the end date for May 5, name it for #GivingTuesday, and you're done! You can support us by sharing your fundraiser with your friends leading up to #GivingTuesday on May 5. The Virginia Tech Massacre Was 13 Years Ago This Week. Here’s a Message from Brady Chapter Leader Andy Goddard

Thirteen years ago this week, my son Colin was sitting in French class at Virginia Tech when a gunman armed with two semi-automatic pistols and high-capacity magazines opened fire. Colin was shot four times. He was one of 17 people who were shot and injured. A total of 32 people were killed that day. 

Many Americans don’t know what high-capacity magazines are. But my family is not so lucky. They allow a shooter to fire off dozens of bullets without needing to pause to reload. For Colin, the bullets shattered after they struck his hips and knee. Thirteen years later, those bullet fragments are still lodged in his body. 

But the solution is simple: ban the manufacture and sale of these tactical accessories to keep them out of civilian hands. Congress can pass legislation right now to address this. A bill called the Keep Americans Safe Act is a common-sense measure to prohibit the import, sale, manufacture, transfer or possession of high-magazines for civilian use. 

In honor of the 32 people killed and 17 shot and injured at Virginia Tech, please urge Congress to pass the Keep Americans Safe Act!


Victory in Wisconsin! Voters Approve $87 Million Referendum for Milwaukee Public Schools

Recently, we asked YOU to pledge to support “Yes for Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS)” — and our combined efforts worked! This week, Milwaukee voters approved a $87 million referendum that will help fund mental health services, arts education, and other school programs that are proven to reduce violence and prevent conflict. Learn more about Brady’s work to prevent gun violence in Milwaukee.

🎧 Gun Violence Continues, Even During Coronavirus
Ms. Millie Brown is the founder of Tear's of a Mother's Cry — an organization that serves the women of Baltimore who have lost children to gun violence. She has now served over 1,000 mothers, providing much-needed support to the bereaved. Ms. Millie joins JJ to share the stories of two mothers — Ms. Tracy Coleman and Ms. Burnett McFadden — whose sons were killed by gun violence. Listen now. 

🎧 Violence Interrupters in the Time of COVID-19
We talk with Clayton Rosenberg of the Alliance of Concerned Men and Women — a nonprofit organization that focuses on saving the lives of at-risk youth and adults in areas of Washington, D.C. We discuss what community-based organizations are doing to fight gun violence in this unique moment. Listen now.



Donor Spotlight: Tim Gomes

"I've always been drawn to a good David vs. Goliath fight.” — Tim Gomes on supporting Brady’s fight against the NRA

Tim Gomes, a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, joined Brady's Board of Directors in 2009, serving with distinction for 10 years. He was drawn to Brady because, in his opinion, the "Goliath" NRA no longer represented legitimate gun owners' interests, and he was also outraged by their indifference to the suffering caused by gun violence. 

Tim found Brady to be the perfect "David" — a small but mighty organization that had been fighting gun violence for decades. He appreciated Brady's national voice and how it spoke out for sensible gun ownership and common-sense gun laws. As a gun owner himself, Tim strongly believed that respecting constitutional freedoms did not require the acceptance of gun violence as a consequence.

Read our full profile on Tim and learn how you can support Brady.


Virginia Democrats Delivered on Gun Violence Prevention, Arlington Now

In the Midst of the Coronavirus Crisis, the Gun Lobby’s Sense of Entitlement is Obnoxious, New York Daily News

One Response to Coronavirus Anxiety in Mass.: Try to Buy a gun For the First Time, Boston Globe

Montgomery County Council asks Gov. Hogan for Additional Safeguards for Gun Stores, WUSA 

Welcoming Sheila Burton, Our New Team ENOUGH Advisor in the San Francisco Bay Area!

Sheila is a recently retired employee of the San Francisco's Sheriff’s office. She will be advising Team ENOUGH, Brady’s youth-led initiative. On December 7, 2005, Sheila’s 21-year-old son, Rashad Williams, was shot and killed. Her son was shot two times by a man with an illegal handgun, and to this day, his family has not received justice for the senseless act of gun violence. 

Just a few months ago in November, Sheila was working as an inspector in San Francisco when a young man walked up to her city vehicle and threatened to kill her by using a handgun. The experience left Sheila traumatized, but she channels her energy into advocating for stronger gun laws and enforcement. As the Team ENOUGH Advisor, Sheila will help coordinate Team ENOUGH’s advocacy priorities in the Bay Area. Welcome to the team, Sheila! Learn more about Team ENOUGH.“Some say that you don’t really know someone until you see them in a crisis. For those who didn’t know what the NRA’s priority was, they know now: gun industry profits, public safety be damned.”

— Brady President Kris Brown and Former U.S. Congresswoman and District Attorney Elizabeth Holtzman in their joint op-ed in the New York Daily News




Our work is made possible by supporters like you. 

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Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States

Paid for by the Brady Campaign. Contributions to the Brady Campaign are not tax deductible.

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