


For months – actually for YEARS – I’ve been sounding the alarm on Boeing. Two and a half years ago I published this op-ed detailing a clear pattern of corporate greed and political corruption that draws a straight line from my opponent back to the deaths of 346 people.


Since then, the number of serious safety incidents with Boeing is accelerating.


In January, a door plug blew off of a Boeing plane moments into the flight.


In March, a WHEEL fell off a Boeing plane during take-off.


Five days ago, another Boeing 737 skimmed just 500 feet over an Oklahoma suburb when the plane malfunctioned on approach to the runway.


The laws of probability dictate that we are almost certainly headed for another deadly Boeing disaster – the only question is how soon.


After two catastrophic, deadly crashes brought on by their own safety shortcuts, YEARS of whistleblowers raising the alarm and being silenced, and now major incidents racking up faster than we can count, there is a reckoning coming for the world’s largest aerospace company.


Last week, prosecutors with the DOJ formally recommended criminal charges related to the twin 737 Max disasters that killed 346 people on two different continents.


From where I sit – as a constituent and an activist living in the district that houses the largest Boeing manufacturing facility in the world – not only is it time to prosecute Boeing as a company, it’s time to hold the executives responsible for these deadly decisions to account.


But let’s remember that Boeing did not get here on their own. A whole lot of lawmakers were complicit along the way. And chief among them is my opponent, Rick Larsen.


Larsen was the ranking Democratic member of the House Aviation Subcommittee for over a decade. Today he is the ranking member of the Transportation Committee. In both roles he held direct oversight for Boeing’s conduct.


It was Rick who pushed the FAA to deregulate the aviation industry and allow manufacturers like Boeing to “police themselves” on matters of public safety.


It was Rick who looked the other way while the FAA investigated Boeing for battery fires on-board in 2013.


And it was Rick Larsen who, according to Politico, “threw cold water” on the idea of a congressional hearing calling Boeing to the carpet after a series of major incidents earlier this year.

A graphic featuring a faded black and white photo of Rick Larsen, with a cutout quote from Politico, that reads: “I personally don’t think that having a hearing with Boeing does a lot of good.”

I’ve been organizing against money in politics for decades. My argument has always been that the way campaigns are funded leads to corporate capture of our government, and the public pays the price. Sometimes with our lives.


Rick Larsen is the poster boy for this phenomenon, and as far as I’m concerned, his hands are covered with the blood of 346 Boeing 737 Max victims.


Larsen still refuses to hold Boeing accountable, but I will. I need your help to defeat Larsen and become the first ever Green Party member elected to Congress. Can you pitch in $25, $50, or whatever you can give today?

The charges recommended by federal prosecutors aren’t for snuffing out the lives of 346 people, withholding critical operational information from pilots, going after whistleblowers or buying off members of Congress.


The potential charges stem from Boeing “defrauding the U.S. government” and side-stepping a 2021 settlement over their rampant safety problems.


But this is so much bigger, and the solution needs to be as radical as the threat that Boeing currently represents to public safety.


Millions of people around the world get on board Boeing planes every single day. They deserve to know they are safe. Thousands of Boeing employees live in my district. They deserve a congressman who will have their back.


It’s time to hold Boeing accountable. It’s time to prosecute Boeing executives and any lawmaker who aids and abets their crimes.


Rick Larsen has taken over a million dollars from the aviation industry over his lengthy political career. Over 10% of that comes from just one company – Boeing.


Unlike Rick, I can never be bought off by corrupt actors like Boeing because I don’t take their money. Can you pitch in $25 today to help me defeat Rick Larsen and elect a representative who will hold Boeing’s feet to the fire?

If we want real oversight that puts people before profits in Congress, we have to elect working people who don’t sell out to corporate donors.


As your congressman, I will pursue congressional hearings on Boeing’s systematic disregard for public safety. I will introduce legislation calling for accountability of executives when their profit-chasing leads to injury or death.


And I will never, ever take a dime of their blood money.


In solidarity,


Jason Call


Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at, and donate today to help us make history.


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