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Click Here to Sign the Pledge Against Woke Curriculum in K-12 Schools

Dear Fellow Patriot,

I'm reaching out today to express my deep concern regarding the introduction of woke curriculum in K-12 schools across our nation and ask for your help to put a stop to it.

I strongly believe that the current trend of pushing radical ideologies like Critical Race Theory (CRT), gender identity politics, and other divisive teachings is harmful to our children's education and undermines the fundamental principles upon which our country was founded.

Will you take a moment now to sign the pledge to affirm your commitment to ensure that our children and grandchildren receive a quality education free from ideological indoctrination?

Do you want to sit by and allow the infiltration of woke ideology into classrooms to continue leading to the politicization of education and the indoctrination of students with divisive and often inaccurate narratives about our history and society?

I know I don't because woke curriculum promotes a victimhood mentality and perpetuates a culture of grievance rather than empowering students to succeed based on their merits.

Do you share my concern about the erosion of parental rights and the imposition of ideological agendas on impressionable young minds?

If you believe parents should have the primary authority to guide their children's education and instill values that align with their beliefs, please sign the pledge below:


Your signature on the pledge will be used to urge our school boards, administrators, and policymakers to reject woke curriculum and instead prioritize academic excellence, objective teaching of history, and respect for parental rights.


Dr. Ben Carson
Founder & Chairman
American Cornerstone Institute




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