July 1, Holy Mass offered by Cardinal Burke,
Feast of the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus Christ, Submit Your Storm Heaven Intentions

Dear Friend,
The whole month of July is dedicated to the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus. This coming Monday, July 1,
is the Traditional Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus
Christ. Please submit
your prayer intentions for the Operation Storm Heaven Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass that will be offered privately by Cardinal
Cardinal Burke has spoken
extensively on the significance of the Precious Blood during his
“By the
Most Precious Blood of God the Son Incarnate, God the Father brought
to fulfilment the covenant which He had made with us at the time of
the sin of our First Parents. When Adam and Eve, our First Parents,
had grievously broken communion with God through the capital sin of
pride, God, in His never failing and ever generous love, promised to
restore our communion with Him by conquering sin in our human nature
and winning for us eternal life.”
“Worshiping the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, we rejoice in the
great mystery of God’s steadfast and enduring love of us, His marriage
with us, sealed by the age-old covenant which is consummated in the
outpouring of the Most Precious Blood of His only-begotten Son.
Through the outpouring of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus from His
glorious pierced Heart, the Holy Spirit dwells always in our hearts,
stirring up in us the response of pure and selfless love to the
faithful and enduring love of God. The Holy Spirit purifies and
strengthens our hearts for union with the Sacred Heart of
St. Padre Pio knew how powerful the
Precious Blood of Jesus is in healing our physical, emotional and
psychological wounds. Here is part of a Healing Prayer he
Father, touch me now with your
healing hands, for I believe that your will is for me to be
well in mind, body, soul and spirit. Cover me with the
most precious blood of your Son, our Lord, Jesus
Christ from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. Cast anything that should not be in me. Root out any unhealthy and abnormal cells. Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild and replenish any
damaged areas. Remove all inflammation and cleanse any
infection by the power of Jesus’ precious
blood. Let the fire of your healing love pass
through my entire body to heal
and make new any diseased areas so that my body will function the way you created it to
function. Touch also my mind and my emotion,
even the deepest recesses of my heart."
During the month of July, let us
- That by the Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the
circumcision, we may be made pure in mind, heart and
- That by the Precious Blood of Jesus, oozing from every pore
in the Agony, may we love God’s holy will above
- That by the Precious Blood, flowing from the scourging at
the pillar, may we have true sorrow for our sins and acceptance for
the suffering that comes our way.
- That by the Precious Blood, falling in profusion from the
crown of thorns, that God may grant us acceptance of our
- That by the Precious Blood, shed profusely in the
crucifixion of our Lord, that we may die entirely to love of self and
serve others.
In the Holy Rosary that Cardinal
Burke asks you to recite daily, go deeper when praying the Sorrowful
Mysteries. In all five mysteries, contemplate on how Christ shed His
Precious Blood for our sins.
You may know others who have
intentions and would like to submit them. Ask them to join our army of
Rosary Warriors. Please forward this email to your family and friends
and ask them to click here.
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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