It's summer—and as kids enjoy their summer vacation, it's impossible to ignore the 4.6 million children in this country who live in homes with at least one gun that is loaded and unlocked.
Secure storage laws are a vital solution that would reduce the risk of gun violence to children by preventing unintentional shootings, gun suicides, and gun thefts.
Many states and Washington, D.C. have enacted gun storage laws that work to prevent children from accessing an unsecured gun. Recently—thanks to the tireless efforts of Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers, Rhode Island passed lifesaving legislation that would require all gun owners to securely store their guns when not in use. Storing firearms securely is just one of the ways that we can all GIVE MORE TO END GUN VIOLENCE.
Support our campaign to push life-saving legislation like this—andmore!—across the country and our fight to end gun violence with a generous donation today. All gifts will be MATCHED $1-for-$1, up to $250,000, until midnight on June 30th.
As you can tell, we're still short of our goal and we need your help to reach it. If you give today, your doubled donation will help...
- Elect lawmakers who are willing to pass safer gun sense policies and push back against the gun lobby's influence
- Defeat the gun lobby's guns everywhere and secure laws to help save lives and keep guns out of dangerous hands
- Hold gun manufacturers accountable for endangering public safety and contributing to avoidable gun violence across the country
John, with you on our side, we can make a difference. Help us reach our goal with a thoughtful donation today and it will be matched to have double the impact in our fight to keep guns out of dangerous hands.
Thank you for all you do,
Everytown for Gun Safety