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Dear Friend, 
I hope you are enjoying the warm summer weather as much as I am. Recently, I’ve been gearing up to head to the RNC Convention this July as a delegate for Pennsylvania. I hope you will be watching the debate tomorrow, Thursday, June 27th. Recently, CNN treated President Trump’s campaign spokeswoman very poorly and silenced her when she tried to discuss Jake Tapper’s verbal disparagement of President Trump, as Jake will be one of the debate moderators. It won’t be a fair debate, but we all knew this from the start. 
You can see that President Trump is hot on the campaign trail, sharing his plan to rejuvenate the economy and restore the American dream. 
I am watching us lose our country to leftist Democrat judges, bureaucrats, academics, billionaires, and even elected officials who don’t seem to love America as it was founded and don’t care to preserve our liberties. 
I’ve been appearing regularly on John Frederick’s radio show, urging EVERYONE to vote early. In the recent Pennsylvania primary, 13% of President Trump’s voters voted early, and 49% of President Biden’s voters voted early. If Republicans will commit to voting early, we will win. If they do not, just because of statistics, we will lose.
President Trump’s team has created If you will go to you can commit to vote early in person, vote early by mail, or vote on election day. This site can help you get registered to vote and will even tell you how many days of early voting your state has. It’s really comprehensive and I encourage you to share it with your friends. I will vote early for President Trump on the first available day in Pennsylvania.
If you would like to volunteer to help President Trump get re-elected, I encourage you to go to is an official army of volunteer neighborhood organizers working together to defeat Joe Biden and the far-left liberal democrats. You can be a Trump captain, host a Trump house party, deliver yard signs to your neighbors, and/or be a poll watcher. Please sign up!
I believe that in order to save our Republic, we must elect Donald J. Trump  as President. Many conservative organizations are preparing to restore our nation but in order to do so we first have to win this election.
I just returned from visiting the Reagan Ranch where I spoke to 300 young conservatives at a fireside chat with Governor Scott Walker, who leads Young America’s Foundation (YAF).
I also visited Estonia and spoke with their government officials about the importance of NATO contributions and the challenges of the Ukraine war. 
It was a joy to join a Panel on Women’s Issues with the Great Linda McMahon at America First Policy Institute’s Annual Summit in Forth Worth, Texas. AFPI also hosted in early June an event called “Energizing PA, Fueling America’s Future” with Linda McMahon and energy experts in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 
John Frederick and I won't stop talking about the importance of voting early in order to win.
I spoke with RSBN Network about President Trump and his Philadelphia Rally.
I carried the flag for Pennyslavia at the Farmers and Ranchers Fundraiser for President Trump in early June in Washington, D.C. Also in attendance were Calista Gingrich, former Ambassador to the Holy See, and Katie Pavlich of Fox News.
It was an honor, as always, to speak with President Trump in California.
The next time you hear from me the RNC Convention will have concluded, and President Trump will have announced his running mate. Together we can protect this shining city on a hill, this great and blessed land that we hold dear, and our nation's sovereignty. I hope you will get involved in whatever way calls to you. 


Carla Sands
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