As our campaign gears up, I want to hear directly from you.


We're fewer than five months away from one of the most consequential elections of our lives.

As our campaign gears up, I want to hear directly from you. Your insights today will be invaluable in shaping our campaign’s priorities and ensuring we address the issues that matter most to you and your family.

Will you take this quick, one-question survey letting me know the three most important issues facing voters this election?

Take the survey >>

Your input will help me focus on the key areas that will make a difference in defeating my Republican opponent, mobilize voters all across the state, and move forward our progressive agenda in 2024 and beyond.

Click here to start our quick campaign survey.

I look forward to reading your great responses!

All my best,

Contribute >>

Chellie Pingree is a progressive Democrat representing Maine's First Congressional District in Congress. She is an outspoken advocate for women's reproductive rights, universal health care, reforming our food system against corporate greed, fighting for equality and against injustice, addressing the climate crisis, ending Citizens United, and protecting seniors, veterans, and America's working families.

If you'd like to make an online contribution to Chellie's campaign, please click here. If you'd like to donate by mail, please send your contribution to:

Pingree for Congress
PO Box 17613
Portland, ME 04112

Our campaign has always been built on progressive grassroots supporters from across the country, and email is an important way to stay in touch. If we're going to reform our political system, we need to ensure progressives like Chellie remain in Congress to stand up for us. If you'd like to unsubscribe, click here: unsubscribe.

Paid for by Pingree for Congress