Dear Sir or Madam,

With serious challenges rising at home and abroad, would you consider supporting AEI with a tax-deductible donation to advance fact-based research rooted in our founding principles?

From crippling inflation to mountains of national debt, the American economy is limping along, and we are all feeling it. Meanwhile, an axis of autocracy menaces the free world. And at the same time, our 24-7 internet and media ecosystem makes solving our most pressing challenges even harder by exploiting our differences and poisoning our discourse.

Since its founding in 1938, the American Enterprise Institute has steered the policy conversation by standing above the political fray and prioritizing fact-driven research. At a moment when our social divisions are becoming more pronounced, AEI’s long-standing commitment to the principles that bind us together—free enterprise, limited government, a strong national defense, and the rule of law—is more essential than ever.

AEI’s principled approach to problem-solving, driven by data and independent research, yields consistent progress both inside and outside the Beltway. Some of our scholars’ recent contributions include:

  • Supporting America’s Allies. Timely research and strategic outreach undertaken by AEI scholars Kori Schake, Marc A. Thiessen, Frederick W. Kagan, and others helped persuade key members of Congress to pass the recent foreign aid bill supporting Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.
  • Leading the Technology Conversation. Led by M. Anthony Mills, AEI’s new Center for Technology, Science, and Energy is a leading hub for research on topics ranging from generative AI to pandemic policy, supplying policymakers with tangible guidelines that promote innovation while addressing the disruptions posed by science and technology.
  • Shaping Schools of Civic Thought. AEI’s Benjamin Storey and Jenna Silber Storey are advising university leaders on how to prepare young people for citizenship through new schools of civic thought, which have already bloomed on colleges campuses, including at the University of North Carolina and the University of Florida.

Because the many growing challenges we confront today hit so close to home, hope can often feel out of reach. But at AEI, we firmly embrace a hopeful vision of the future, holding firm to the belief that progress will be achieved only through hard work and a readiness to build bridges with all who share our dream of a better and freer world.

I invite you to join our growing community as we advance the ideas and policies that promise to deliver prosperity and, even more importantly, mend the torn fabric of the country we so deeply love. 

With warm regards,

Robert Doar
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
1789 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036

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