Right now, healthcare is on all our minds. And while we fight to protect the health of our families, President Trump continues his court case to end the entire Affordable Care Act. 
In a few months, Xavier will be at the Supreme Court fighting to stop him. 
During this pandemic, it should be clearer than ever: Every American must be able to access quality and affordable healthcare. 
But while the President claims to be prioritizing public health, hes recently doubled-down on his quest to "terminate" the ACA. 
The ACA protects over 133,000,000 Americans with pre-existing conditions — which some of whom could have Coronavirus — and provides health coverage for more than 20,000,000 people. 
We can’t let President Trump "terminate" this lifeline. Team, as Xavier gets ready to head to the Supreme Court, will you sign your name now to stand with him?
Thank you and stay safe, 
Team Becerra

Attorney General Becerra continues to prioritize the health of our families and communities during this global pandemic. He’s taking aggressive action to stop disgraceful price gougers, defend access to healthcare, protect immigrants, urge the Trump administration to do more to keep our families safe, and defend our housing, data, worker and reproductive rights during this public health emergency.


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