
We all deserve so much more than Donald Trump.

Luckily, we've got a real leader in Governor Tim Walz. In this challenging moment for our state and country, we are so thankful for everything he’s doing to protect Minnesotans.

Please join us as we show our appreciation. Add your name to stand with Governor Walz today. I STAND WITH GOV. WALZ »


Thank you,

Minnesota DFL


DFL Victory Club

Join the DFL Victory Club and start a monthly recurring contribution today.

The Minnesota DFL is building the largest grassroots organizing program in its history in 2020. Your monthly recurring donation will help us defend our Minnesota House DFL Majority, take back the Minnesota Senate, re-elect Senator Tina Smith, flip Republican Congressional seats from red to blue, stop Trumpism at the door, and keep Minnesota blue in November. DFL Victory Club Members will also receive special updates and offers from our party headquarters.