Do you know what's happening at the OAS? Let me share a bit about what I'm experiencing here in Asunción, Paraguay: Right now, delegates from the member states, including the United States, are debating the drafting of various projects and statements that will be voted on in the Fourth and final Plenary Session of the 54th General Assembly, expected within 48 hours. The projects in question aim to: - Promote the "right" to death through abortion
- Normalise and impose transgender ideology on our children
- Create international tools that would grant each country and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights the power to convict you for "crimes of intolerance" (opposing their agenda), with our values and freedoms directly in the crosshairs.
This means that VERY SOON, the US delegates at the OAS will have to vote on whether to support these decisions that would severely impact unborn children, our families, and ultimately our freedom of speech and thought. Unfortunately, the "champions of inclusion" seek to censor and exclude your pro-life, pro-family voice because they know that we achieved a significant victory at the 2023 General Assembly, and we can do it again. But we're racing against time. This is our last chance to make your voice heard at the OAS and stop this insane and disturbing agenda that threatens our values and freedoms. We only have 48 hours left!
Sign here and share with everyone you know. If you've already signed, you can share this urgent petition via WhatsApp or Facebook. Thank you for your support in this crucial battle for life and family, Rocío D'Angelo and the entire CitizenGO team --
Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 North America faces urgent crises, but the OAS prioritises abortion and "LGBT rights," trying to impose its ideological agenda. Meanwhile, they silence us by reducing civil society's presence and crushing our dissenting opinions because they know we make an impact and can put a stop to their sinister plans. It's time to expose this hypocrisy and demand real change. Sign now to pressure our representatives to defend life, family, and freedom! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
Something big is happening in Latin America, and it's time for you to put a stop to it. I'm writing to you because the 54th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) is just around the corner. And once again, the same leftists are trying to impose their ideological agenda on Latin America. This agenda includes abortion, same-sex marriage, and the erosion of our children's innocence through the so-called "comprehensive sexual education," which is nothing but early sexualization, indoctrination, and gender ideology. This year's theme? "Integration and Security for Sustainable Development in the Region." Sounds harmless, right? But it's nothing more than Agenda 2030 (abortion on demand, censorship, and ideological control to turn our children into guinea pigs for their destructive agenda), the same one wreaking havoc in Europe, and if we don't stop it, it will do the same in the United States. Meanwhile, they are trying to stifle us by reducing the voice of civil society and crushing your dissenting opinion by cutting down the presence of “conservative” coalitions (yes, that's how the OAS labels us). It's madness! They don't even hide their hatred for the opposition and their totalitarian attempt to silence us because they know we can stop their sinister plans. It's time to fight back.
SIGN our petition NOW. Demand that Frank Mora, United States Ambassador to the OAS oppose any ideological content in the Final Declaration of the 54th General Assembly.
The decision to cut our presence and ultimately curtail our freedom of expression was made following a report by the University of Virginia on how to “organise” civil society participation in OAS General Assemblies, which states: “There are numerous conservative-leaning coalitions that advocate against certain human rights, such as sexual and reproductive rights and LGBTQ rights." In summary, here are the reasons they want to CENSOR your voice: - We oppose what they call “human rights” like “sexual” and “reproductive” rights and “LGBT rights.”
- We disrupt the space by depriving the defenders of these so-called “Human Rights” from connecting with member states.
- Our presence is violent and hostile and drowns out other important issues.
They label us “anti-rights,” but the truth is you and I defend the human rights outlined in the American Convention on Human Rights that should guide the OAS, namely: - The right to life from conception.
- The right of a man and a woman to marry, and that it not be equated with any scandalous same-sex union.
- The parents' primary right to educate their children.
Latin America/North America faces real and urgent challenges. Still, ironically, instead of addressing these problems, the OAS is pushing its ideological agenda of abortion and gender, and they count on your silence to carry it out! This approach couldn’t be further from the complex realities we face. You, an ordinary citizen like me, are being completely ignored, and the so-called solutions are pure ideological impositions. They silence you when you dare to dissent because they know you can stop them. The OAS’s vision of “a better future” is nothing but a sham. It envisions a future without families or strong leaders who truly listen to the people’s real problems. It’s time to expose this hypocrisy and demand real change.
Make your voice heard! Sign, demanding that the ambassadors from the United States, Argentina, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Uruguay to the OAS stand firm against the pressure from the pro-abortion and LGBT lobby and defend our values.
Unfortunately, you know as well as I do that Canada, Mexico, the United States, and Panama are pushing for an abortion and LGBT agenda and modifying the final draft to be debated at the assembly. However, there is still hope. The political landscape has changed dramatically this year. Argentina and El Salvador have elected governments that claim to be right-wing, and together with the representatives of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Ecuador, they can send a clear message. We cannot afford to waste this golden opportunity to put direct pressure on our ambassadors and demand real change by putting a brake on the OAS’s ideological agenda. Why is your signature essential? Those new representatives who promised to defend our shared values will be under a lot of pressure from pro-abortion lobbies, and they may succumb to temptation. That’s why we must show them we are here and ensure they listen to us and keep their promises. NOW is the time to act decisively and make your voice heard. Despite the OAS's attempt to silence you, this is a battle for the very soul of our society, and we cannot afford to stand idly by.
SIGN this petition NOW. Urge Frank Mora, US Ambassador to the OAS to oppose all forms of ideological content in the final agreement. Represent the people who voted for you! I count on you to apply pressure and show that many of us oppose the radical and ideological agenda the OAS is trying to impose. Rocío D'Angelo and the entire CitizenGO team P.S. As you surely remember, we had a great victory last year. That’s why I believe that if we unite, we can continue making a difference. But time is running out. The more of us there are, the greater the pressure to ensure our voice is heard: once you’ve signed, please share this petition with as many people as possible.