Breaking News: Covid-19 potentially 85 times more wide-spread than originally believed. New antibody testing reveals that significantly more people have been exposed to Covid-19 and developed antibodies to protect them from further infection. This means the death rates will be significantly lower than the doomsday predictions that we have been seeing. It’s time to re-open our economy without delay to flatten the curve of economic devastation and reinvigorate our booming economy. The following is an extensive timeline of the White House’s response to the outbreak of COVID-19 since early January. This timeline will continue to be updated as more actions are documented...
This week, we as a nation reached a pivotal moment in our fight against the deadly Coronavirus pandemic. Not a vaccine or a 100% effective treatment, as of yet, but a step in the right direction for re-opening the U.S. economy.
This week, President Trump assembled a new White House Coronavirus Task Force, with the stated goal of re-opening the American economy. Along with this, the White House assembled key thought leaders in every industry group, to help assist the President, Governors, and businesses of all sizes throughout the process. The process of re-opening our country has finally begun!
Although we haven’t completely defeated this deadly opponent and stopped the havoc it is wreaking on our country, we have taken a MASSIVE step in the right direction. Re-opening the economy will stimulate our nation, like no spending package ever could. This was a vital action taken by the Trump Administration, at exactly the right time.
Now, begins the long path toward re-opening our nation. While the task seems daunting at this time, if there’s one thing that our past has taught us, it’s that America always rises to the challenge.
We know that Americans across this great nation have been, and will continue, to help their neighbors as we face down this fierce enemy. When we face a task united, there is NOTHING this great nation cannot do.
Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin – responding to lockdown protests in Michigan, Kentucky, Virginia, and other states – released the following statement today:...
Please fill out this survey right away about whether or not you think demonstrations should occur soon to protest state and local government overreach during this crisis. Note that if you indicate your support for protests to happen, it doesn’t mean that you are committing to attend.
SNEAK PEEK: We are excited to announce that SOON, along with our coalition partners, we will be launching the Save Our Country Coalition!
This coalition will be entirely focused on helping President Trump re-open the American economy and get our great American workers back to work by supporting the President’s efforts and pushing back on the left’s lies and misinformation, meant to sabotage President Trump and America.
You can read about the 5 principles guiding the coalition’s work.
Many of our freedoms have come under fire recently thanks to the crackdown on social gatherings during the Coronavirus pandemic. Circumstances caused a tipping point this past weekend due to it being Easter....
While many have come together in a united attempt to fight this deadly virus, for the good of our great nation, there are some that have not...
Many of our nation’s leaders have stepped up, working tirelessly to combat the spread of this pandemic, but some have not.
There are some leaders that have corruptly attempted to exploit this crisis to install their own brand of authoritarianism.
From Mississippi to Michigan, we’ve seen some Democratic leaders attempt to utilize the pandemic to crack down on American's inalienable rights. And their corrupt motives were put on FULL display on Easter Sunday.
This is something we, as a nation, cannot and will not stand for. Cracking down on the faithful is no way to fight a pandemic... Jenny Beth’s latest for Townhall: Mayor Bill de Blasio has a message for the religiously faithful residents of New York City: “If you go to your synagogue, if you go to your church,...
As we continue to work towards our united goal of re-opening our great nation's economy, we need your help!
Our President is working tirelessly on the front-lines of fighting this pandemic and right now he needs our support more than ever before.
If you support our President and believe that it is indeed time to re-open our great nation's economy, please consider signing our letter to the President -- thanking him for his hard work and letting him know you support his efforts to get our country back to work: Please read and then enter the information to sign this letter to President Trump on Balancing Coronavirus with the Economy....
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