Before I tell you anything about them, I want to show you a series of numbers:

John, before I tell you anything about them, I want to show you a series of numbers:

$17.26. $16.78. $17.38.

That’s the average online donation to our campaign for the last three months.


That’s the amount the National Republican Senatorial Committee just reserved for a tsunami of negative TV advertising and attacks in the final months of the 2024 election. One hundred million dollars.


That’s the current Democratic majority in the United States Senate.

I don’t take contributions from corporate lobbyists, or from executives in industries like Big Pharma or fossil fuels. But they will spend whatever it takes to flip the Senate back to GOP control.

So here’s where I ask, John — we need a LOT of $17 donations to fight back against $100 million in GOP attack ads to defend our 51-49 Senate majority before my June 30 FEC deadline. Can you pitch in $17 or any amount that feels right to you?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

This is what a people-powered campaign looks like — thousands of us from all walks of life, pitching in a few bucks at a time to fuel our fight against the megadonors who will do anything to see Trump and the GOP win.

Thanks for being a part of this. I am so proud to have amazing folks like you working by my side to create the more just, loving nation we believe in.

With love and gratitude,
