From Kelly Shackelford <>
Subject Rounding up First Freedom Day
Date June 25, 2024 11:11 PM
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Dear John,

We've enjoyed celebrating First Freedom Day with you all day. It
means so much that you have been with us through these critical
Supreme Court victories that are restoring faith in America.

We're especially grateful for our precedent-setting wins for
Coach Joe Kennedy, Gerald Groff and families like the Carsons in

But you and I aren't just gathering to celebrate these past wins
today. There are great opportunities ahead. Our religious freedom is
having a ripple effect and igniting the next generation to take up the
torch in this critical fight.

Because this was such an amazing day of celebration for all
we've done and what the future holds, I wanted to share the
highlights from the day in case you missed the best of our First
Freedom Day celebration!

Meet Our Marketing Interns
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Message From Our D.C. Office
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The Future of Faith and Freedom
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As we wrap up this celebration of faith and freedom in America, we are
asking for your generous support. You make it possible for us to stay
on the frontlines in the fight for faith. With the opportunities we
have right now because of these recent victories, we can set the
future for our country for our kids and grandkids. 

Now is not the time to scale back.

Your donation can have an even greater impact as we plan for even more
victories in the fight for faith. If you give your best gift before
June 30th, you can maximize the impact of your gift thanks to our
Fiscal Year End $500,000 Challenge Grant.

Will you stand up for faith and freedom in 2024?
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We only have 5 more days until June 30th to make sure we take
advantage of this special Challenge Grant.

I pray that you would team up with us so we can fight and win for
religious freedom and impact generations to come.

Thank for standing up for our religious freedom, 


Kelly Shackelford, Esq.
President, CEO & Chief Counsel
First Liberty Institute 

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