That’s how much time we have left to win this thing.

There are 19 weeks left until Election Day.
Lucas Kunce is the 13-year Marine veteran running for Missouri’s U.S. Senate seat so that hard-working, everyday people are represented by a senator who will actually fight for them. And he has 19 weeks left to keep traveling all over Missouri to make sure every person in the state has a chance to hear his message.

This grassroots movement has built record-breaking momentum, but we need your help to keep it going — and there’s a lot of ground left to cover this summer.
If you’ve been thinking about getting involved in this election, will you consider starting today? We have just 19 weeks left until November 5, and it’s important for us to take advantage of every single day we have left. We can’t afford to let this chance we have in Missouri go to waste.
So John, will you make a donation of any amount right now toward our campaign to elect Lucas Kunce, while we still have 19 weeks to go?
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