People often get the concept of
“floors” and “ceilings” wrong in politics. Too many pundits say things
like, “but MAGA will let Trump shoot someone on Fifth Avenue” as a
response to his felony convictions. This is true. But this is a really
crucial mistake. Yes, his floor isn't changing.
They're too focused on wondering
why his base isn't going away to realize that every one of these
stories is affecting his ceiling. Trump probably won't crack 47% this year. Now it might be 46%.
He's losing his ceiling. He needs
to win over all those Haley voters and national security voters and
the last few Reagan Republicans who still believe America needs to be
the city on the hill.
And he’s failing. It's a huge
weakness. And when we see a crack in his facade? You know we jump all
over it.

It’s up to us to flip these
marginal voters. We know they’re vulnerable. We know they’re
embarrassed to admit that their party has gone down the toilet all
because of some criminal from Manhattan. They’ve stuck by the party
through a mismanaged pandemic, four indictments, an insurrection, and
a conviction. Sure, these voters are resilient, but they’re also
That’s why we’re showing them this
ad. It’s time for the Republicans of years past to realize that the
party they once knew is dead, and it has been for some time. The only
way to restore even an ounce of decency to the right side of the aisle
is to destroy Donald Trump once and for all in November. Help
us spread the word >>
-The Lincoln Project