Eight years ago, as a sexual health educator in Central Florida, I witnessed our LGBTQ+ community's strength and authenticity daily. This vibrant space nurtured my own journey as a queer woman of color.
Then, the Pulse shooting shattered our sense of freedom and security.
The gunman used an assault rifle, a weapon that has been used in at least 8 out of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in the U.S. Why should anyone have access to such devastating weapons in our communities?
There's no justification for these weapons of mass casualties to be in civilian hands. I implore you to join me in demanding lawmakers ban assault weapons. Our lives depend on it.
In Pulse's aftermath, our resilience shone. My organization, QLatinx emerged to create safe spaces for LGBTQ+ and Latinx individuals to heal and advocate for change.
When I meet with fellow survivors, I'm reminded of the world we're fighting for. Yet eight years later, Congress has failed to act, leading to more devastation and lost lives.
Banning assault weapons is a crucial step towards ending gun violence. Please, tell your members of Congress to act now.
Together, we can create a society free from fear and hatred. Your action today is part of the change we desperately need.
In solidarity,
Gabriella Rodriguez
Executive Director, QLatinx