We are less than two months away from the primary election, John!

But — and this may shock you — some voters in Washington haven't heard of me! Luckily, over the next month and a half, we will be reaching out to voters statewide and filling them in on the important work we've done over the past three and a half years.

Here in Washington, we're committed to building a stronger democratic system. That means helping candidates inform voters about the policies and priorities that each candidate supports. Before Election Day, each household will receive a voter guide — or if you prefer, a democracy guide! The voter guide allows us to read a statement from and see the qualifications of every candidate we'll be voting for, all the way from the President of the United States to your local precinct officers.

But, did you know that for some candidates, there's a Video Voters' Guide?

TVW takes videos of candidates and allows them to share their vision for Washington. And if you want a sneak peek of what I said in my short three-minute video, check it out here:

Part of strengthening our democratic norms is supporting voter education, because an informed electorate is a voting electorate. When we help voters learn about candidates and gain a better understanding of their priorities, folks are more likely to vote and participate in our democratic process.

Check out TVW's Video Voters' Guide and share the guide with friends and family. It's an easy, effective step you can take to invigorate our elections and fortify our democracy. A good second step is to donate to our reelection campaign so we can head back to Olympia and serve working Washingtonians.

Thank you for your support,


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