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Our work continues...

Dear John,

Our future is uncertain. And the stakes have never been higher. This election year, the National Disability Rights Network is committed to ensuring that disability rights are front and center in the political discourse and that candidates prioritize our issues.

Please consider supporting our work with a donation this year.

People with disabilities continue to face systemic barriers in accessing healthcare, education, employment, and public services. Despite significant progress, there is still much work to be done. This election presents a crucial opportunity to advocate for policies that promote inclusion, accessibility, and equality.

Your support is vital in amplifying our efforts. Here's how your contribution can make a difference:

  1. Voter Education: We are working tirelessly to educate voters with disabilities. Your donation will help us provide accessible voter education materials and ensure that everyone can exercise their right to vote.
  2. Accessible Polling Place: The right of voters with disabilities to have an accessible ballot is guaranteed by law. No matter how people with disabilities choose to vote, whether by mail or in person, it is their right to participate in the political process. By donating today, you can help us ensure polling places are accessible and poll workers know the rights of voters in our community.
  3. Policy Advocacy: We are advocating for critical policy changes that support people with disabilities, such as increased funding for community living, inclusive education, more job opportunities, and equitable healthcare. Your contribution will enable us to strengthen our efforts to educate policymakers.
  4. Public Awareness Campaigns: Raising awareness about the importance of disability rights in this election is essential. Your donation will help us run impactful campaigns that highlight the challenges faced by people with disabilities.

By donating to NDRN, you are helping to create a future where every person can participate fully in society. Visit www.ndrn.org/donate to contribute and learn more about our work. Together, we can make disability rights a priority in this election and beyond.

Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to this critical cause.

With gratitude,
Marlene Sallo
Executive Director

P.S. Just 20 donations of $25 will cover the cost of one virtual GOTV rally. Can you donate $25 today?

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National Disability Rights Network
820 First Street NE Suite 740 | Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 408-9514 | [email protected]

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