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Click below to read this week's top stories from The Family Beacon:

Gray_Line.pngWhen Can we Meet Again? Answers for Churches After COVID-19 (WEBINAR April 28)


Please send this link (https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-6eUqc2ETjer10cVKuquNA) to your pastor and church leaders: this is crucial legal, biblical, and medical information!

It's not too early to discuss reopening churches, as long as we do so carefully. However long the Stay at Home orders last, and however long it takes for COVID-19 to peak in Minnesota, churches will be reopening in the next few months and facing a new normal. What will that look like? Join us for a webinar on April 28 with experts in the field.

Solutions will look different for each church - but as you make decisions, it is crucial to have the best information in several different areas, including medical advice, First Amendment concerns, and biblical perspectives. 

Register for the webinar now by clicking here.


GiveMN Waives Processing Fee for Donations - Your Gift to Minnesota Family Council is More Crucial Than Ever


For a limited time, GiveMN will allow you to contribute to Minnesota Family Council without charging a processing fee. During this crisis, we are not shutting down. Instead, we are stepping up our efforts to bless churches, families, and communities in Minnesota by fighting for life, family, and religious freedom. Now, more than ever, your gift is crucial to ensuring that we can be YOUR champions for life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota. Click here now to make a tax-deductible donation to Minnesota Family Institute. 


Attorney General Ellison Uses a Crisis to Promote Mail-Order Abortion

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Abortionists and their friends in Minnesota have been making the most of this crisis. Less than a week after Governor Walz gave abortionists special treatment by exempting them from his stay at home order, Attorney General Keith Ellison joined with 20 other attorneys general in sending a letter to HHS Secretary Alex Azar and FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn requesting the removal of safety regulations on the abortion pill. In the letter, current regulations were referred to as “burdensome,” dismissing the known dangers of the abortion pill.  

Legalized in 2000, the “abortion pill” is a chemical abortion procedure in which the mother takes two pills, the first one killing the baby, and the second to expel the child from the womb. Since legalization, there have been 4,200 reports of adverse effects, including severe hemorrhaging, infection, septic shock. Additional risks are involved in cases of ectopic pregnancy or if the mother is more than ten weeks pregnant, which is why a medical exam is required. As of 2018, the abortion pill has resulted in 24 maternal deaths, including two in 2018 alone.

Because of the associated risks, the abortion pill is regulated under the FDA’s Risk Evaluation Mitigation Strategy (REMS). Abortion activists have long objected to these regulations, and in recent years have been working to get around them by launching a mail-order abortion clinical trial in multiple states, recently including Minnesota. Many abortionists and their allies have seen the COVID-19 crisis as a perfect opportunity to promote and deregulate an already dangerous abortion procedure.

Ellison and the other attorneys general appealing to Secretary Azar and Commissioner Hahn are advancing this narrative by claiming that safety regulations “create unnecessary barriers” to abortion, thus demonstrating a greater concern for the interests of the abortion lobby than for the lives of children and the safety of women. If Attorney General Ellison is really interested in the safety and well-being of Minnesotans, he’ll stop using a crisis to promote dangerous, do-it-yourself abortions.

Thanks for reading this post from MFC's Patience Griswold. Click here to read online and share the post.

Gray_Line.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-06 at 2.28.17 PM.png Abby Johnson Defied Planned Parenthood. Are You Ready to Hear Her Story in Person at Our Annual Dinner? BACK ON THE CALENDAR!

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 Due to the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, we have been compelled like many others to reschedule our event. We're pleased to announce that we’ve been able to arrange another date with our keynote speaker, Abby Johnson. Our 2020 Annual Dinner has been rescheduled for Thursday, September 17th. Keeping our guests safe is the most important consideration in making this move. With everything going on, we're glad to be holding our event at all!  

So we're pleased that Get in the Game: Fighting for Life and Dignity with pro-life superstar Abby Johnson will be held on Thursday, September 17th at the DoubleTree Bloomington. Registration has now reopened!

Please reply to this email if you have any questions about your registration. Again, we're thankful for your support: we couldn't fight for life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota without YOU backing us up! We are blessed to have you partnering with us, and we look forward to seeing you in September!  



Give your Teen the Gift of Leadership - Registration Now Open!

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Register your teen early and SAVE $50!

LEAD is a project of Minnesota Family Council that equips the next generation of leaders. During this one-week program, teens are challenged with interactive Biblical worldview sessions, and real-world simulations to learn critical thinking, clear communication, and gain teamwork skills to lead effectively and with confidence.

July 26th–July 31st, 2020

University of Northwestern – St. Paul

Register now with a Refundable No-Risk $50 Deposit

Financial Aid Available
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LEAD organizers are monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Minnesota. We will comply with all directives from city and state governments regarding large events, and we are committed to safeguarding our students and their families. At this time it does not appear that this outbreak will necessitate the cancellation of our LEAD summer camp scheduled for July 26-31. If that changes, we will alert you as soon as possible.


Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

 Get Your Copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource GuideThe Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today:

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Support MFC When You Shop Online!amazon-smile-banner.jpg

Did you know that when you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon makes a donation to Minnesota Family Institute at no cost to you?



Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council's vision for 
strong families and communities through Christ. We are grateful for your partnership with us in prayer, legislative involvement and generous donations.






















































Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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