UK General Election: how you can help Burma

Dear John


(Apologies, if you can’t vote in the UK election, please ignore this message.)

There is a UK general election on 4th July and candidates to be MPs need your support.

Now is our chance to influence candidates who might become MPs. MPs who could then be allies in supporting the struggle for human rights and democracy in Burma.

OK, let’s be honest. We know not a lot of people are going to vote in the UK’s election based on what the Burma/Myanmar policy of political parties is. But at Burma Campaign UK we know that people asking their MPs about Burma can lead to them being very active in Parliament and pushing the government to do more.

We put a lot of effort into working with MPs for one simple reason. It works.

For more than 20 years, we have seen MPs give up a huge amount of their time for Burma. Contacting candidates now, and following up with them if they are elected, could lead to you creating new heroes for Burma in the British Parliament.

Burma Campaign UK is not party political. We have worked with MPs and Lords from all political parties, and independents. Whichever political party is in power, we need MPs from all political parties to be active in pressuring the government to do more.

Please email candidates in your constituency asking them if they support stronger action to support human rights and democracy in Burma.

It’s quick and easy to do, just click here.

Please forward any replies to [email protected]

Thank you for your support.

Mark Farmaner

Burma Campaign UK

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