In July and August, states will meet at the UN in Geneva for the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Preparatory Committee (PrepCom). CND will be in Switzerland to counter the arguments in favour of the development of a European nuclear weapons system, and will be hosting a side meeting on why we must mobilise in opposition to a ‘Eurobomb’ programme.


Ahead of the PrepCom, we invite supporters to join us for a webinar with the same theme. We'll hear from a line up of international speakers on topics like the US influence on European military policy, the perspective of French disarmament campaigners, and how treaties like the NPT and TPNW can be used to stop the ‘Europroliferators.’ 

Speakers include: Jean-Marie Collin, Director of ICAN FRANCE; Joseph Gerson, President of the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security; and Rebecca Johnson, Director of Acronym. Chaired by Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary.


Lakenheath Alliance for Peace: international peace camp this July!


From 11-25 July, the Lakenheah Alliance for Peace is holding an international peace camp near RAF Lakenheath, the next stage in the campaign against the return of US nuclear weapons to Britain! 


The group will begin in Norwich and walk or cycle over three days to Lakenheath to establish a continuous presence at the base until the end of the camp.


We encourage people to take part and we will be joined by activists opposing US nuclear weapons at other bases in Europe, as well as other international peace campaigners including from Spain, the Netherlands, and the US. 


Contact [email protected] if you’re interested in getting involved or for more information.


New on the CND website

  • Convenor of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Dr David Webb, writes about US plans to build a deep space radar in Wales and the new campaign established to oppose it - PARC Against DARC.
  • Welfare not warfare: In our latest special election blog, CND Vice-Chair Sam Mason gives a trade unionist's perspective on where the next government's spending priorities should lie. 

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