Friends – As communities across our country respond to COVID-19, we are seeing amazing stories of heroism. We’re seeing elected officials, businesses, and ordinary American step up in unprecedented ways.

But we are also seeing the uglier side as well. We’re seeing people trying to use this crisis for their own gain or to push an ideological agenda. The stories of hoarding and price-gouging are all over the news, and Democratic AGs are working every day to crack down and protect consumers and healthcare professionals.

But what hasn’t made as much news is what anti-abortion extremists are doing to use crisis to restrict reproductive rights. Anti-abortion groups sent a letter to Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary, urging the administration to restrict access to safe, legal abortion during the pandemic. States, including Texas, are trying to severely limit access to safe and legal abortions.

This is wrong, and we’re proud to tell you that Democratic AGs and this committee are fighting back. Democratic AGs are working with their state health officials to make sure access to care is protected. And they are urging states across the country to include abortion among the necessary medical produces allowed during the pandemic.

As a key supporter, we’re asking you to join Democratic AGs and urge both the Trump administration and states across the country to protect abortion access and stop using the pandemic to push their veiled ideological agenda.

Click here to join Democratic AGs and reject Republican attempts to use this pandemic to restrict access to abortion. Abortion is a necessary medical produce and needs to be protected during this crisis.

Thank you for standing with us! Democratic AGs count on grassroots supporters like you to keep fighting.


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