June 24, 2024
In this episode, I reveal what will be Trump's secret weapon in the debate,
plus, a new leaker in the Supreme Court?
Andrew Cuomo Admits Trump's Campaign Is Real Motivation Behind DA Alvin
Bragg's "Hush Money" Case
Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who once thought it was a great idea
to move COVID patients into nursing homes, has become the first Democrat to
admit that Donald Trump is (obviously) being targeted legally because
he’s running for president.
Cringe Ensues as AOC Rallies for Far-Left Colleague With Bizarre Dancing
and Shouting
AOC put on her most bizarre performance to date at a rally for the campaign
of her fellow far-left Rep. Jamaal Bowman, perhaps best known for pulling a
fire alarm during a House vote, and then blaming that on not understanding
how fire alarms work.
TRENDING VIDEO: Bill Maher Confronts Panel With Reality About Biden's Odds
of Winning
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