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June 24, 2024

CONTACT: Michael Pearlman, Communications Director

[email protected]


Governor Gordon Touts State Leadership on Sage Grouse in Comment Letter to Feds


CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon reminded the Bureau of Land Management of Wyoming’s leadership in sage-grouse conservation and outlined specific management concerns in a comment letter responding to BLM’s Sage-Grouse Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

In the letter, Governor Gordon noted, “industry and agriculture have engaged in unprecedented conservation efforts to avoid and minimize conflicts that may impact the species, and conservation groups have been crucial partners in generating meaningful research and funding for habitat improvements.” Wyoming has been working with the BLM to make adjustments to the Greater Sage-Grouse management plan.

The Governor made clear that he will not support designations of Areas of Critical Environmental Concern for Greater-Sage grouse. One-fourth of Wyoming is currently designated as “Core” habitat for the species under the Governor’s Greater sage-grouse Core Area Protection Executive Order.

“We have established Wyoming-specific development requirements to protect important sage-grouse habitat,” Governor Gordon said. “In addition, we have dedicated hundreds of millions of dollars to habitat improvement. There is simply no need to add more designations, restrictions and possible confusion on those landscapes.”

Finally, the Governor pointed out some of the alternatives being considered by the BLM affect the State’s ability to regulate wildlife and natural resources within its borders. Two of the alternatives could affect Wyoming’s land-use planning, which the Governor said should be addressed as a final plan is prepared.

“I am optimistic that the BLM will recognize Wyoming’s leadership in the management of all wildlife  and our remarkable track record of conservation of Greater Sage-grouse,” Governor Gordon concluded.

The Governor’s complete letter along with specific comments can be found here. A final environmental impact statement is expected this fall, followed by a Record of Decision.


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