Protest the Biden/Trump Debate this Thursday!

🗓 What's Going On this Week? 🗓

Want to get more involved? Attend a committee meeting or upcoming event!

🌹 = Great for First-Timers!



Atlanta DSA is proud to endorse our comrade Devin Barrington-Ward for Atlanta City Council Post 3 At-Large in the upcoming citywide special election!


Atlanta has the highest income inequality in the US because corporations and billionaire elites are running the Mayor's office. As a vocal opponent of Cop City and an advocate for Palestinian liberation, Devin is running to bring our movement into City Hall. Together we're fighting for affordable social housing, walkable green infrastructure, and good union jobs for working families. Let's unite to win an Atlanta that works for ALL of us, not just the 1%.

Devin is running in a special nonpartisan election to fill a vacant seat on City Council through 2025. The election will happen on the same ballot as the Presidential Election on November 5th, 2024, and probably go to a runoff on December 3rd. This is a unique opportunity to put the first Democratic Socialist on Atlanta City Council, and we need your help to get it done.


Join us this Tuesday at 10am as we head to City Hall to officially place Devin's name on the ballot for City Council!


🇵🇸  Thursday: Atlanta for Palestine! 🇵🇸

Biden and Trump, the two most unpopular candidates in history, are coming to Atlanta for their first presidential debate this Thursday June 27th!


While both Biden and Trump re-affirm their support for the ongoing genocide in Palestine, working people in Atlanta are standing up and fighting back. Join us in midtown at 7 p.m. the night of the debate to make our message clear: FREE PALESTINE! Ceasefire Now! End US Aid to Israel! No Money for Massacres!

🇵🇸  Palestine Art Build! 🇵🇸

Free Palestine! Join us painting banners, drawing signs and making buttons for the upcoming Atlanta for Palestine protest on Thursday night June 27th!


📚 6/27: Book Club 📚

Promo image promoting Thrusday's Book CLub

Atlanta DSA's Book Club discusses readings on politics, history, economics, philosophy, and socialist political theory.


🌹 Newcomers always welcome! 🌹


We're currently running a series on How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney.


✊ Know Your Rights: Heat Training! ✊

Promo image promoting the worker's rights Heat Training on July 15th.

It's getting hot out here! As the world grows hotter, high temperatures are becoming more and more of a danger to workers across the South.


Join ATLDSA and Restaurant Opportunities Center for a heat training for a comprehensive know your rights lesson on how to follow safety procedures at work, report issues, and fight against unsafe working conditions!


Light food and cool drinks will be provided! Meet us at Esther Peachy Park, 631 Wylie Street Atlanta, GA 30316, , Monday afternoon at 4:30 PM.


🌹 Summer Organizing Workshops 🌹

Image promoting Summer Workshops

Brush up on your organizing skills with this slate of summer workshops, brought to you by DSA's national staff organizing team! Learn about everything from electoral strategy to new member onboarding and the ins and outs of hosting great meetings.


Workshops are going on right now and run through August 21!


📝 Labor Survey 📝

Help us build the labor movement!
We can't build the labor movement without your help! Fill out our 2024 Labor Survey to tell us about yourself, your workplace, and the ways you'd like to help get involved in Labor Committee work. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and all information you enter is confidential.

Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few