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The WHO Power Grab Has Been Slowed, Not Stopped
June 24, 2024
by Kristen A. Ullman, JD, President, Eagle Forum

The 77th World Health Assembly wrapped up its self-proclaimed “historic” meeting in Geneva on June 1, 2024.  Despite their lofty goals of passing two complimentary pandemic “agreements”, the WHO failed to pass the Pandemic Treaty, instead kicking the can down the road, and was only able to strong-arm consensus for a modified version of the International Health Regulation amendments.  Those of us who have spent years sounding the alarm against the WHO’s global governance scheme may want to take a short victory lap for at least delaying the Treaty and getting several of the worst elements of the IHR removed. But while their most nefarious plans have been slowed, they have not been stopped.  We must take a hard look at who won (and how) and the next steps for sovereignty-loving people everywhere.

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Kristen A. Ullman, JD is the president of Eagle Forum. Kris served as Executive Director of Eagle Forum’s D.C. office from 1995-1998. She has served on the Eagle Forum Board of Directors since 2017.
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