Friend --

Tomorrow is the New York State Primary election for Congressional races, so if you're registered with a party, get out and vote against any AIPAC and dark money-funded war mongering candidate you can. In CD 16, we must defeat George Latimer to deliver a message to Hillary Clinton and the City of London that the American voters are not for sale!?

With the terrifying NATO escalation against Russia, in the form of the ATACMs missile attack on Crimea and the terror assault in Dagestan, my voice is more important than ever.? We may not even make it to November if the insane Biden Administration believes that we can kill Russians inside Russia with impunity.

Tomorrow is the last day to donate to my campaign this cycle, and we need every nickel!? Please contribute as generously as you can, and stay tuned for my July 4 mobilization to save our Republic!



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