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Virginia Inclusive Education Bill Signed into Law
ADL is pleased to have supported and helped advocate for legislation in Virginia that will create the “Culturally Relevant and Inclusive Education Practices Advisory Committee.” The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to help strengthen culturally relevant education practices and support anti-bias education while providing standards of recommendations to the Virginia Department of Education.
Recommendations will include: the historical underpinnings of the Holocaust and other historical genocides in the context of how increased lower levels of hate, ridicule and dehumanization led to larger acts of violence and state-sponsored discrimination and violence; slavery, antisemitism, Islamophobia and other forms of historical dehumanizing injustice and discrimination; the ignored and untold history of the indigenous people of Virginia and North America; and the untold histories of other groups historically underrepresented in American and world history. The Advisory Committee will provide recommendations for the issuance of Board of Education guidelines for local
school division staff, including teachers and school counselors, to offer age-appropriate anti-bias education to students. Read More | |
Holocaust Education Strategies and Tools for Teaching and Learning During COVID-19
During these unprecedented times, we remain committed to supporting you to teach about the lessons of the Holocaust. As many of you move to a virtual environment, we recognize that this creates added challenges to teaching about this complex topic effectively.
As you navigate this new education landscape, please find our recommendations for revised approaches to Echoes & Reflections lesson instruction that will best support students' social-emotional well-being and bring them “safely in and safely out” of their learning. Read More | |
Preventing Zoombombing and Using New Zoom Tools for Safer Meetings
White supremacists and other haters and trolls are increasingly targeting Zoom virtual meetings as a place to spread racism, antisemitism and other forms of hate. This tactic is known as “Zoombombing,” and it has become increasingly common.
For this week's webinar, ADL was joined by Zoom's Chief Product Officer, Oded Gal, to get insider tips on avoiding Zoombombing, and how to use the new security features Zoom has rolled out to promote safe videoconferencing.
ADL's Center on Extremism was previously joined by Secure Community Network (SCN), the official homeland security and safety organization of the Jewish community in North America, for a webinar on Zoombombing and how extremists are exploiting video conferencing technology to target certain groups to advance their hateful messages.
learn more and register for upcoming webinars | |
ADL and George Washington University Experts Release New Report on White Supremacist Terrorism
Last week, as news reports indicated that the U.S. Department of State will – for the first time ever – designate a white supremacist group as a terrorist organization, experts from ADL and George Washington University’s Program on Extremism released a joint report on white supremacist terrorism, urging the government to take further steps to address this emerging threat.
The report notes that, for now, none of the 69 organizations designated by the U.S. Department of State as Foreign Terrorist Organizations are white supremacist organizations. Read More | |
Battling COVID, Iran Regime Makes Jews its Bogeyman
Iran has had among the highest number of reported deaths from the COVID-19 global pandemic out of any country in Asia other than China. While battling this virus, the regime has once again become the number one state sponsor of scapegoating Jews, baselessly blaming world Jewry for the disease’s spread. Read More | |
Community-Wide Yom Ha'Shoah Commemoration 2020
Join the JCRC of Greater Washington online for the community's annual Yom Ha'Shoah Community Wide Commemoration. The livestream will take place on Sunday, April 19 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Please sign up below to receive a link to the live stream and the program booklet so that you may follow along and participate from home. The links will be emailed prior to the commemoration. Sign up and Read More | |
Baltimore Jewish Council Presents "Remembering Liberation" Virtual Experience for Yom Ha'Shoah
Each year the BJC brings together Holocaust Survivors from across the region, along with hundreds of others in our community, to commemorate Yom Ha'Shoah.
This year will feature an online experience, as we collectively remember and honor all of those who were lost in the Holocaust. The video, which will premiere on Sunday, April 19 at 12 p.m. on BJC's website and social media platforms, will include excerpts of video interviews with local Survivors who were liberated from concentration camps.
Read More and watch | |
Thank You Helpers - Send a Message of Support to Our Brave Frontline
While ADL keeps the fight against antisemitism, bigotry and hate going amid this pandemic, we are beyond grateful to our brave heroes on the frontlines around the world keeping us safe and fighting the coronavirus.
Please join ADL in showing these individuals our gratitude and support. Click here to share your message of thanks and appreciation for the COVID-19 frontline workers, including but not limited to: community service workers, first responders, healthcare workers, law enforcement officials, scientists, and all other essential service workers and helpers assisting our communities.