KEY EXCERPT: "Good leaders keep people informed, calm, and feeling positive about the future and Governor Sununu has done that while giving credit to others and making us proud to be Granite Staters."
By Representatives Tim Lang, Mike Moffett, Reed Panasiti and Howard Pearl
“IT WAS the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” — A Tale of Two Cities
Charles Dickens’ words may aptly be applied to 2020 New Hampshire vs. 2010 New Hampshire — and an age of wisdom vs. an age of foolishness regarding state fiscal policy.
Leadership matters and we’re fortunate that in the last four years Governor Chris Sununu enhanced our financial stability by using one-time monies for one-time projects and restocking our “Rainy Day Fund,” increasing it to a record $115 million.