
June 23, 2024

Dear John:


Thursday marked the official start of Summer, and there's no better place to spend summer than in Minnesota. This week, I got to travel around the 7th District and I talked to a number of people about all the great work they are doing, the exciting things happening in the area this summer, and also the issues their communities are facing.



Law Enforcement and Community Safety Roundtable in Ottertail


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East Grand Forks Roundtable Discussion




Marshall Area Chamber


Across the board, a top concern is inflation, workforce shortages, and maintaining strong rural communities. Rural communities across the country are struggling to retain population, much less attract future generations. This is leading to a shortage in critical community facilities like hospitals, childcare centers, and senior care centers. One way Congress can support them is by eliminating unnecessary regulatory barriers to capital investment into these key areas. I am happy to report that my Investing in Rural America Act made it into this year's Farm Bill reauthorization. This legislation will attract private sector investment in these important community facilities, strengthening our rural communities and encouraging future generations to see them as home.



Thanks for stopping by!

So many great groups come out to D.C. and I always enjoy when I can sit down and hear their perspectives on the issues that matter to them. Here are just a few of the people that have come by recently.


Thank you, Land O'Lakes for meeting with me and sharing your perspectives on this year’s Farm Bill and agricultural trade.


The Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association came down to discuss the problems their industry has been having with the gray wolf. I was glad to sit down with them to share Congress' progress on our work to delist the wolf and updating the Endangered Species Act. 


There are over 100 community banks in Minnesota's 7th District operating with over 300 branches. I appreciated hearing the Independent Community Bankers Association's thoughts when they were in D.C. for their annual meeting.


American Bikers for Awareness, Training, and Education (A.B.A.T.E.) of Minnesota and the Minnesota Riders Foundation work hard for motorcyclists across Minnesota, keeping riders safe and educating the public on the positives of biking. Thanks for your work and for sharing some of the issues bikers are facing.


The National Auctioneers Association came by my office to discuss junk fee legislation, privacy laws, and tax issues affecting their work. Thank you for sharing your perspective!

Internship Appreciation

Thank you to our Spring interns! From helping with mail, to attending briefings, to answering constituent calls, and yes, keeping the coffee full, you helped keep our D.C. office running this year.

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We've had some great interns on the Fischbach team over the years. If you or someone you know would like to get first-hand experience working in a Congressional office, please visit my website.

What's most important to you?

I want to keep you in the loop on what Congress is doing about issues that matter to you. Please click on any and all of the following issues you would like to receive updates on:


Thank you for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. And, if you think any of your friends or family would be interested in these updates, feel free to forward this along. Have a great week!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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