The Cost of Biden’s Inflation TaxThe government doesn't benefit Americans by spending money, overregulating, and promising endless programs. These programs cause inflation, robbing Americans of real opportunities and personal fortunes that belong to them, not to the bloated government. So far, Bidenflation has cost the average American $38,400 over three years—$12,800 a year. If Biden is granted another four years, this cost will soar to $89,600 or more!What Every American Could Have Done with Biden’s Inflation Tax:
Biden’s economic policies and the predetermined outcome of inflation—but at what it's costing us in our ability to increase our personal prosperity and wealth. Imagine what you could do with your dollars if they weren’t undermined and undervalued by overspending and overprinting. The cost of this mismanagement of our nation falls directly on the backs of working-class taxpayers who are being ground into dust. We can do better! Let's restore economic policies prioritizing fiscal responsibility, personal wealth, and the American dream. It's time to stop the government's overreach and return opportunities and prosperity to the people. Every American deserves to know: Share with your family and friends today! Share ACTVOTE with like-minded potential voters who will be 18 years old, have moved since the last election, or must register for early voting. Our volunteers will chase every vote until every vote is cast and counted. YOU are the key to winning this year! Support our work for the small price of a $5 cup of coffee or more a month, and help us make elections more secure through real policy change!Invite your friends and earn rewardsIf you enjoy Act for America, share it with your friends and earn rewards when they subscribe. |