There is a man who is responsible for the deaths of well over 40,000 human beings. Fifteen thousand children. He’s responsible for thousands of missing limbs and the destruction of the entirety of Gaza. He ordered the bombings of refugees sheltering in tents that resulted in dozens of Palestinians burning alive while their families watched – completely helpless. Politicians in the United States invited this butcher – Benjamin Netanyahu – to speak in Washington, DC. 👉 Tell the U.S. to arrest Netanyahu for his crimes against humanity! And tell Congress to boycott his visit! Just last month, the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced he filed applications for arrest warrants for top Israeli officials. How does the U.S. respond? They threaten to sanction the ICC and invite the war criminal to the People’s House! Every day, the integrity of our elected officials continues to decline exponentially. When the world holds Israel to account for the genocide of the Palestinian people – the blood on the hands of U.S. politicians will still be drying! A visit by Netanyahu to Congress confirms something we already knew: the United States of America financially and morally supports the slaughter of Palestinians happening in Gaza. They are no better than Netanyahu and every single Israeli official who orders the dropping of bombs and sieges on hospitals. Every dead child, every missing leg, and every tear shed by the Palestinian people is made possible with U.S. backing. But of course, we understand that our politicians have no real interest in representing the people that elected them. They only care about the AIPAC and weapons company executives that line their pockets every election cycle. CODEPINK is exposing the deadly collaboration between the Israel lobby, pro-Israel non-profits, and the military-industrial complex. You can see our findings at and find ways to take action, like printing and plastering the faces of U.S. war criminals all over your city. Stay tuned as we continue to update this site and unravel the web of Zionism in the U.S.! Many of us live in the belly of the beast, but we’re not the only ones affected by what our country does. No matter where you live, as long as the United States acts like the global butcher and watchdog, there are implications for everyone—everywhere. 👉 Gaza needs us, keep taking action:
Towards Peace, Nour and the entire CODEPINK team PS: Order our CODEPINK floral t-shirts in pink and black to bring the movement for peace wherever you go! ![]() |
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