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Dear John,

I write to extend my deepest empathy and support to Americans across our great nation as we all address the grave crisis of COVID-19, the coronavirus.

This is a time when we all must come together in solidarity, as one community, to be available for one another to meet both material and social needs. As the days of quarantine and lockdown have turned into weeks, I have seen firsthand that we cannot navigate times like these without the support of our friends, family, and fellow citizens.

And though we might be feeling somewhat powerless in this time, I want to share some practical ways that we can work to advance the human right to life. Americans United for Life invites you to lean into this moment in our nation’s history and make a difference.

  1. Write to an elected official. Too many states are tragically choosing to continue to permit abortions even while other major surgeries—and even time-sensitive cancer treatments—are being temporarily banned. Take the time to write to a state or federal elected official and make your voice heard on the vital necessity of life-affirming choices in this time of crisis. Use Ballotpedia to look up the right people to contact. It really does matter.
  2. Share your passions online. This pandemic has each of us connected tightly to our devices for updates on the news and the well-being of our friends and family. We believe that at the heart of our desire for connectivity and community lies a passion and appreciation for life—not only for ourselves but for others! Consider using your online platform to share about your passions for protecting life during the time of coronavirus and beyond. Consider sharing AUL's recent call to action: Ethical First Principles in a National Crisis.
  3. Invest in life. This year was already shaping up to be a significant one for Americans United for Life and the pro-life movement—with the recent June Medical Services v. Russo hearing at the U.S. Supreme Court, the increased conversation on life issues among candidates seeking election this fall, and the rising voices of those who are speaking out against major issues like infanticide, suicide by physician, and other bioethical concerns. AUL’s financial year concludes at the end of June. A gift of $50, $100, $250, or more will enable us to continue our work defending life on your behalf. Consider giving today.

And as I shared in another recent email, there are other important ways that we can make a positive impact. Here are a few things each of us can do to help protect our friends and family from the spread of this virus:

  • Know the symptoms. There is a lot of misinformation out there, so it’s important to know your risks and the real facts by going to the CDC’s official website.
  • Encounter and be there for one another. While practicing social distancing, use video chat, phone calls, and email to reach out and stay in touch with family and friends, especially those who may feel most isolated. 
  • If you are healthy, consider donating blood. Hospitals across the country are facing a shortage of blood products that may only compound in the weeks to come. Donating blood is a vital and practical measure we can take to support each other.

​Be safe and be well, 

Catherine Glenn Foster
President & CEO

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