Bob Casey is completely OUT OF TOUCH
As the father of daughters, I can't imagine my girls being required to share a locker room or a playing field with biological men.
That's why I did a double-take when I saw this headline about my opponent, Bob Casey. 
Bob Casey is completely OUT OF TOUCH. But, that's what we've come to expect from career politicians like Casey who have spent 18 years in Washington, and it's why the polls show us closing the gap in what will be one of the most competitive Senate races this year.
Will you stand with me and add your name to our petition to SAVE WOMEN'S SPORTS?
Some things are just basic right vs. wrong. Boys and girls have biological differences. But Bob Casey believes the advantage biological boys have when competing against biological girls is "overgeneralized" and "unfounded."
I may not be a medical professional, but I don't think it's an overgeneralization to state that boys are different from girls. If we let politicians like Bob Casey get reelected, we risk losing women's sports forever.
Two years ago, Pennsylvania was ground zero in the fight to save women's sports. The fight is NOT OVER. We have an opportunity to defeat Casey and flip the Senate majority, but it's going to be a tough fight. I'm no stranger to tough fights - from my days as a West Point cadet to the battlefield in Iraq, I've learned the fight for America's future will take every one of us stepping up to do what we can.
I'm a believer in the power of grassroots support, so I'm asking you to step up TODAY to sign the petition to save women's sports. After adding your name, you'll have an opportunity to pitch in to help me defeat Bob Casey. If you are able to, I'm asking you to please chip in $15, $25, $50, or more to help me win this battleground Senate race in Pennsylvania.
Your support is fueling our campaign as we head into the summer. We're making ground and closing the polling gap by showing voters who Bob Casey REALLY is. I'm so grateful for your support in this fight.
Thank you,
Dave McCormick
P.S. I'm a proud girl dad who wants every woman to be able to compete and thrive through participation in athletics. We're at risk of losing women's sports and I won't let career politicians like Bob Casey continue to gaslight the American public by saying biological men don't have an advantage over biological women. If you agree, please add your name to our petition today!
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